Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Zodiac Signs Who Prefer Emotional Detachment On September 14, 2023

In the same way that the New Moon holds a space in the sky that shows us nothing but blackness, so, too, is the feeling we have when it comes to trusting others on this day. During the New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023, we do not feel that anybody is beyond reproach.

We are reacting directly to the New Moon, and all we can ascertain is that right now, nobody deserves our trust in them. We aren’t mean about it, and we don’t offer this knowledge. We keep our emotional detachment to ourselves, and we do with it what we will.

For three zodiac signs, this means that we are using our inner barometer. We trust our gut today, and what we are picking up on is that right now, it’s best to pull back and stick with our judgment. It’s not that we’ve been slammed by untrustworthy people, but our intuition is ringing like crazy. 

So, during the New Moon in Virgo this September, our feelings tell us to stick to our safe place and to trust nobody. Call us crazy or paranoid; it matters not. We will do what we feel is necessary, and if we don’t want to trust another person on this day, then that’s what we feel is the safest move.

To trust another person is something that most people would agree is a thing that needs to be earned. People are just animals, after all, and they tend to drop down to their base level over the silliest things, making them untrustworthy.

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The reality is that for the three zodiac signs that choose emotional detachment, the culprit of this decision was unwanted drama, stress and hurtful love. The wrong type of love made us feel like we couldn’t trust anyone, and on September 14, during the New Moon in Virgo, we will go with our gut feeling. C’est la vie.

Three zodiac signs who choose emotional detachment during the New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 – September 22)

Trust, yeah … no. Not today. You have done your time in ‘trust world,’ and you’re just not feeling it during the New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023. You’ve been warned by friends in the past that you are way too trustworthy, and on this day, you recognize that they were right.

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