Tarot cards

‘You’ve Opened Demonic Doors’ – Faithwire


Ex-psychic Jenn Nizza is issuing a dire warning after Fox News’ Jesse Watters interviewed a psychic last week named Paula Roberts. Nizza said she was “surprised” and concerned over the “demonic” practice being so prevalent on a TV news network.

Listen to them on the latest episode of “Quick Start” 👇

“[People are] being exposed to divination,” Nizza told CBN Digital. “Many people are not aware and may think it’s entertainment and I was really disappointed to see a news program pushing this out there, and even making light of it, making it seem like it’s just entertainment and a joke.”

She continued, “That’s not what it is, and it doesn’t matter if you think it’s entertainment or not; the outcome is going to be the same.”

And that outcome, according to Nizza, is one that can breed spiritual danger. Roberts used Tarot cards during her appearance, offering predictions about former President Donald Trump’s future prospects; she also addressed current President Joe Biden, as well as Watters himself.

Nizza said Tarot cards initially served as a regular card game but, over time, occultists began to use them to try and channel spirits. Watch her explain:

“That card is a piece of cardboard with a painting on it that has no knowledge about you, has no wisdom in your life, has no power to do anything,” she said. “But the demonic forces that you are now inviting, because you’re practicing divination, you’re seeking those cards for esoteric knowledge.”

Nizza continued, “So, you have entered into divination. You’ve opened demonic doors, and it’s the demonic entities that are providing the information through … interpretations and the little books that come with the Tarot cards.”

The ex-psychic said she knows these tools well as she once spent decades in the occult, working as a medium before becoming a Christian and leaving it all behind.

“When you enter into divination you are bound to get the consequences that come with it,” she said. “And, of course, I didn’t know at the time; I thought I was helping people, but I entered into the demonic realm, and I had anxiety. I had destruction all around me.”

Nizza now shares her testimony, revealing why she abandoned the occult and how dangerous she believes engaging in these activities can be. In addition to hosting the “Ex-Psychic Saved Podcast,” the former medium is using social media to try to “win souls” over to the Christian faith.

“God, in His grace, set me free out of this 10 years ago, and I am on fire for Jesus,” she said. “I cannot stand seeing people demonically oppressed. I cannot stand people being deceived by the devil. It’s everywhere. I see it, I know it, I lived it, and I’m here to warn other people about it.”

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