Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Your Monthly Horoscopes: October 2023

October’s horoscope is here to shake things up. September was a recap episode, a respite from the binge-worthy narrative of 2023, but October begins right back in the action and quickly rises to a climax.

After spending two months in analytical Virgo, communication planet Mercury joins the sun in balanced Libra on the 4th, making communication less about being right and more about finding the exact right thing to say. Venus also changes signs, closing out a four-month retrograde tour of bold Leo on the 8th, and moving into Virgo where love is shown through acts of service rather than grand gestures.

The desire to purge and release, Swedish-death-cleaning style, pervades the whole first part of the month (this is a great time to clean out your closets and your contact list), but the real shift begins on the 10th when Pluto stations direct, stirring our obsessions and highlighting our growing pains. Then on the 12th, Libra season indecisiveness is broken up when Mars enters Scorpio where the action planet cuts right to the point. This is all before the big cathartic release of the solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th. This eclipse is not for a rushed breakup, but rather a carefully curated estate sale packed with gems of rare furniture and designer clothing, all priced to move. It’s a moment to let go, with style. As the solar eclipse dust settles, Mercury enters secretive Scorpio on the 22nd and the sun follows into the fixed water sign on the 23rd. Happy solar return to all the Scorpios from Adam Driver to Zoey Deutch. October ends with another shakeup: a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 28th—the final eclipse in the bull’s sign for a decade, tying up loose threads between events from November 19, 2021, April 30, 2022 and November 8, 2022. One last push out of our comfort zone closes one chapter and starts a new one.

Zodiac Signs That Are Unstoppable When Paired Together

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): A cathartic parting of ways

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): A feast fit for a queen

  • Other Key Dates: 10/4, 10/8, 10/12, 10/13, 10/29

After feeling in a funk for most of September, you want to be in a new month, new me mindset, but you’re mostly just exhausted. Everyone needs something from you, but your own cup isn’t being filled in return, and you reach peak burnout around the 4th. You get your power back once your ruling planet Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, a powerful move toward change and reconciliation. This shift gives you the energy to tear through difficult tasks that were left hanging while you were down. What you’re doing isn’t fun or easy, but it’s very productive, and you can trust that a full renewal is coming up on the horizon.

Love Horoscope

So much of your time is put into relationships this month, but it’s bittersweet. Connections keep getting missed and it feels like you have to arrange everything. The solar eclipse on the 14th is a moment to commit or break up. There’s no use keeping people around that leave you feeling depleted.

Money Horoscope

If you’re looking to get a loan, refinance your mortgage or do a balance transfer, your negotiating powers are strong once Mars moves into Scorpio on the 12th. Then on the 28th, the lunar eclipse in Taurus brings another windfall or career opportunity that builds on what you’ve been developing since Fall 2021.

Aries Compatibility: The Best and Worst Zodiac Matches

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Quit half marathon training and do Pilates instead

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Turbo charged main character energy

  • Other Key Dates: 10/8, 10/10, 10/22, 10/31

Your relationship to home and family has grown and changed so much since June, and it’s been bittersweet to say the least! This era finally comes to a close when your ruling planet Venus moves into Virgo and your pleasure sector on the 8th. For the next few weeks, you get to focus on dating, creativity and nurturing your inner child (or inner teen). The lunar eclipse in your sign on the 28th brings yet another moment when you’re forced to step out of your comfort zone, but after two years of growing pains, you’re more than prepared to take on this challenge.

Love Horoscope

If you’re single, Venus’ shift into your pleasure sector on the 8th puts a focus on your dating life for the first time in many months. You’re ready to get back on the apps and make an impression, especially on the 22nd and 31st. Relationships of all kinds are your main priority this month, especially once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd. It feels good to be needed, but make sure you’re also taking time for yourself.

Money Horoscope

Money is tight this month, not because of extra expenses, but because you’re being frugal and saving for a big dream. You can still have fun on a budget though! Plan some cheap date nights and cute park hangs with friends to make the month feel glam despite limited resources.

Taurus Compatibility: Your Best and Worst Zodiac Matches, Ranked

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): RSVPing no

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Lost in a dream world

  • Other Key Dates: 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/19, 10/20, 10/22, 10/29

Despite some heavy and fated energy in the air, October allows you to tap into your creative and playful side. You spent most of August and September digging through the archives, assessing your foundations and facing your past. Now you’re ready to turn that broken heart into art, and release past disappointments so you can have a fulfilling romantic life. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, your work life becomes your top priority as you gain more responsibilities at your day job, take on more clients or push a job search into high gear.

Love Horoscope

Romance is in the air for you this month, but are these connections meant to last? Someone you’re very excited about may end up being a dud, but on the flip side: someone who seems like a hot date and nothing more could get serious faster than you expect. Watch out for quick developments around the solar eclipse on the 14th.

Money Horoscope

When it rains, it pours. Eclipse season comes twice a year and is always a turbulent time for your finances. Expenses might drain your account around the solar eclipse on the 14th, but a windfall at the lunar eclipse on the 28th replenishes what was lost. Though risky financial decisions might feel correct, think twice before breaking your budget as impulses are fleeting in these charged times.

Gemini Compatibility: Your Best and Worst Zodiac Matches, Ranked

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Last-minute yard sale

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Breakout performance at karaoke

  • Other Key Dates: 10/10, 10/20

Libra season is usually your homebody season, but this year it comes with some tectonic shifts. Whether it’s because of aging parents, distance from siblings or insurmountable drama, the dynamics are changing in your family. You’re also wondering if you should give up all your worldly possessions and go live in a tiny home instead? The solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th is one for letting go, clearing the clutter and downsizing. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, you enter your most playful time of year, and the lunar eclipse on the 28th opens you up to new opportunities to connect and make a difference in your community.

Love Horoscope

Scorpio season (from the 23rd) is your most romantic time of year. Leave it to you to find the love of your life while dressed as a corn on the cob at a Halloween party. If you’re partnered, this is a great month to make good on the promise to keep the romance alive and plan trips and goals for the coming year.

Money Horoscope

The reason you’re considering the whole tiny home thing is that you feel like your current home is a money pit. Whether you’re spending too much on rent or doing constant foundational repairs, you feel peak defeat around the solar eclipse on the 14th. Money improves once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd when you’re able to spend more on pleasure and experiences.


Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Leave that toxic Facebook Group for good!

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Accelerated career shifts

  • Other Key Dates: 10/18, 10/20, 10/21, 10/23, 10/24

Venus finishes up her long tour of your sign on the 8th, bringing four months of image boosting and identity cleansing to a close. You really do feel like a new person, and October finds you feeling a fresh confidence, but also struggling to fit into social groups you’ve now outgrown. This is usually your busiest season but your schedule is much lighter this year as you turn down invitations, leave group chats and give your attention to real ones only. Realizing these values differences can be painful and you’re especially affected around the solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, you’re ready to go full homebody mode and hibernate.

Love Horoscope

Though you usually have at least a couple people to flirt with, this month is crickets when it comes to casual romance. If you’re single, you’re focused on finding a transformational love and if you’re partnered, you’re going deep in couple’s therapy to get to the root of it all.

Money Horoscope

The good thing about having less social obligations is that you’re spending less money! After the solar eclipse on the 14th, take some time to cancel unused subscriptions and clear space for new interests. The focus you need to clear some debts and get your budgets back on track pops up on the 22nd so grab it while it lasts.

Leo Compatibility: Your Most Suited Zodiac Signs, Ranked Worst to Best

Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Shedding of literal or figurative baggage

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): The universe is trying to tell you something! Listen!

  • Other Key Dates: 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/8, 10/19, 10/20, 10/22, 10/29

This month’s purge vibes are very literal for you. After spending August and September recalibrating your self image and focusing on your health, you’re now ready to toss out everything that doesn’t fit this new and improved version of you. The first couple weeks of the month are spent clearing out your closets, taking a nostalgic tour through previous styles and identities, and thanking those items for their service (something that Marie Kondo suggests you do as part of the decluttering process!). The solar eclipse on the 14th is the day you take all the trash bags to the curb and don’t look back.

Love Horoscope

Pluto stations direct in your pleasure sector on the 10th stirring up obsessive romantic feelings and potentially pulling you into a pit of compare and despair. On the flip side, this influence is also about breaking taboos and moving beyond things holding you back in the bedroom.

Money Horoscope

After a long summer of overspending and constant vigilance with your budget, you finally feel back in control of your finances this month. Venus enters your sign on the 8th making you more interested in spending on beauty and self care. With the lunar eclipse on the 28th opening you up to more travel and education opportunities, make sure you’re using the credit card with the airline points!

Virgo Compatibility: Your Most Suited Zodiac Signs, Ranked

Libra (September 23 – October 21)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Deep exfoliation for your skin and your image

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Debt relief!

  • Other Key Dates: 10/8, 10/10, 10/14, 10/22, 10/31

Happy solar return, Libra! It was a busy and social summer for you, but October is about recalibrating behind the scenes. Your ruling planet Venus enters Virgo and your unconscious sector on the 8th putting your focus on rest and rejuvenation. Instead of throwing a big birthday party, you might opt for an intimate retreat with a select group of friends. (Apple picking, anyone?) You reach peak exhaustion around the solar eclipse on the 14th which only pulls you further into hibernation mode. Though the vibe is mostly: naps, you’re also having some spiritual and mental health breakthroughs that give you the confidence to release what is no longer serving.

Love Horoscope

Single or partnered, you’re only interested in pajama-clad date nights this month. Despite the bold new direction for your romantic life that you felt at the full moon in Aries on September 29th, the last couple years have been disappointing on the love front, but you can trust that a fresh start is on the horizon.

Money Horoscope

Money and relationships are inherently linked for you in ways that they aren’t for others. When you’re in love, your bank account is solid, and when you’re heartbroken, you’re racking up credit card debt. This month brings the opportunity to start rebuilding your financial health from the ground up. The lunar eclipse on the 28th brings a boon that allows you to balance out debts that have been weighing on you for months or even years.

Libra Compatibility: Your Most Suited Zodiac Signs, Ranked

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Self-sabotaging habits identified and released

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Romantic interest comes out of nowhere!

  • Other Key Dates: 10/4, 10/8, 10/12, 10/29

The holding pattern you’ve been in since late August continues this month. But rather than feeling listless and defeated, you’re ready to break out of it, and you do so with great force. Your ruling planet Mars moves into your sign on the 12th putting you back in a power position. Finally, you’re in control again! Just take care of your body as this influence can also bring accidents and inflammation. Mental health breakthroughs around the solar eclipse on the 14th allow you to release baggage and spend more time doing what you love. Though eclipses bring a tumultuous start to your season on the 23rd, you’re finally out of that long funk, and despite some lingering chaos, that’s something to be grateful for.

Love Horoscope

The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 28th brings one last shakeup to your love life, tying together a story that’s been developing since November 2021. You’ve learned so much about yourself and what you need from your relationships over the last two years, what’s one more leap out of your comfort zone?

Money Horoscope

With planets piling up in your unconscious sector for the first part of the month, you might want to wait before jumping into any financial agreements, especially when it comes to debts, loans and partnerships. Once your season begins on the 23rd, you’re able to make more grounded decisions about your cash flow.

5 Things to Know Before Dating a Scorpio

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Fated meeting with old classmates or friends

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): HIIT leaves you aggressively sore

  • Other Key Dates: 10/22

“I’m not here to make friends” is your mantra for October. Much of September was spent cultivating your daily work and routines, and the hustle continues! Whether you’re on a job search, changing careers or angling for a promotion, your focus this month is building your image while maintaining the grind. Venus spends most of October in your public image sector which makes you popular with higher ups, important clients, and has people paying more attention than usual to what you’re doing on the job. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, your focus shifts to behind the scenes tasks as you feel even more pressure to make an impact. Stress levels are high, so practice being gentle with yourself in the process.

Love Horoscope

Libra season always puts a big focus on your social life, but this year is more about creating boundaries than making new friends. If you’re single, you might meet someone new through friends or coworkers. Scorpio season brings on your annual hermit mode as both you and your lovers focus on self care.

Money Horoscope

Eclipse season is always tumultuous for your finances. If you thought you were still several months to a year out from getting a big raise, it might come faster than you expect, especially around the solar eclipse on the 14th.

Sagittarius Is the Single Most Optimistic Sign in the Zodiac—We Can All Learn from Them

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Stepping down from a power position

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Hangover after an excellent night out

  • Other Key Dates: 10/10, 10/13, 10/22, 10/24

October finds you feeling sick of the constant grind to get ahead. The solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th is a big one for your career and public image, but it’s less about getting attention and more about clearly defining your roles. With less energy going into work, you’re excited to put more into your friendships, but you find that those are shifting as well. Some of your oldest friends are having kids, moving away, or generally too busy to hang. Spend time this month investigating the scenes in your community: going to a book club, volunteering at the compost drop off or catching a show at the local music venue introduces you to a whole new social group.

Love Horoscope

Eclipse season is always a turbulent time for your relationships. Whether your partner is on a fertility journey, deep in a creative process, or dealing with big career changes of their own, your job is to remain on standby as things develop quickly. Compromises must be made to make sure you’re both feeling supported, seen and heard.

Money Horoscope

A long-awaited loan or raise comes through on the 24th, and though this is reason to celebrate, a friend or coworker puts a damper on things by making it known that they’re jealous. Let this be a lesson about who deserves to know your good news.

How Capricorn Are You Really (on a Scale from “Goat” to “Check Your Birth Certificate”)?

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra (10/14): Rescheduling a flight

  • Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (10/28): Positive pregnancy test

  • Other Key Dates: 10/10, 10/13, 10/22, 10/24

You’ve always been a visionary, and this month is for refining your big picture goals and dreams. Though you’ve gotten some side eyes from friends about your frugality this year, you know that what you’re plotting is worth more than going to some random acquaintance’s destination wedding. Whether you’re applying to grad schools, planning an artistic retreat, or figuring out the branding for your business, the solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th allows you to narrow down your options. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, your focus shifts to finding a better work/life balance as you take on more responsibilities in your career.

Love Horoscope

Dating might feel like a distraction this month with so much going on with your career and other goals. But while you’re out “networking,” you might find someone who you want to partner with in both love and business. Right now, you’re only attracted to someone who matches your ambition.

Money Horoscope

Though you’re personally keeping a tight budget, with Venus moving through your shared resources sector, you’re getting all kinds of gifts. From getting treated to drinks by a coworker to your BFF giving you some fancy perfume they got for free and “don’t need” to a brand new couch showing up in your neighborhood Buy Nothing group.

So This Is Why the Aquarius Personality Is So Rare

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

October finds you booked and busy. You’re feeling inspired by what’s around you: cooking more meals at home with fresh fall produce, taking a graphic design class to build your small craft business and binging a bunch of new shows recommended by friends. Once Scorpio season begins on the 23rd, your focus shifts to planning your next great adventure with dreamy travel and education plans coming together faster than you anticipated. The lunar eclipse on the 28th brings some shake ups close to home that complete a story that began back in November 2021. You’re learning that though it’s lovely to be everyone’s friend and get all the gossip, it’s better to cultivate a tight inner circle.

Love Horoscope

Last month’s Mercury retrograde brought some major revelations around relationships for you, and in October, you’re eager to process what came up in therapy and with close friends. You don’t have the patience for anything casual right now, so if you’re single, dates need to go deep or go home.

Money Horoscope

The solar eclipse on the 14th is for releasing shame around debt. If you’ve been thinking of refinancing, doing a balance transfer or humbly asking a friend for a loan, now’s the time to do it as solutions come faster than expected during eclipse season. The payoff is worth being momentarily uncomfortable.

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