Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Start drumming up concrete plans that you can look forward to

Collage of silhouettes of a mountain at night with a lake in the foreground. An illustrated peach-colour wheel of zodiac signs sits behind the lake with a half moon and a starry night sky in the middle.

Are you ready to imagine fresh possibilities for yourself? You could receive a helpful push when intellectual Mercury opposes dreamy Neptune on Monday. This creative aspect encourages us to pursue our desires and explore new ways of thinking. Seize this time to start drumming up concrete plans that you can look forward to. Just try not to take anything or anyone too seriously, as it can be challenging to separate truth from fiction when these planets are in opposition. 

On Tuesday, communication-ruling Mercury will go on to trine powerful Pluto, imbuing us with the confidence to ask for what we want. When these planets work together, people also tend to be more easily swayed, making it an excellent time to persuade others to help you reach your goals. However, if you begin to feel overwhelmed by this intense energy, don’t hesitate to retreat inward or dive into a topic of interest. With your focus heightened, you’ll be primed to uncover hidden truths. 

Then, when Mercury enters gracious Libra on Wednesday, we’ll be ready to sharpen our negotiation skills and put our best foot forward. This transit often inspires us to think of others before ourselves as well, allowing us to forge new partnerships with ease. Still, it’s important that you don’t simply default to people-pleasing to avoid conflict during this time — a little friction could end up revealing your true desires. 

On Friday, when the emotion-ruling moon wanes into her third quarter in intuitive Cancer, you could start to feel a bit on edge. This lunation is known to incite impatience, creating a sense that we’re stuck or that our goals are just out of reach. This makes it an ideal time for strategizing, list-making and ironing out any kinks in your plans. As you do, practicing patience can help you to calm your nerves and focus on what’s to come. 

Come Sunday, when love, beauty and money-ruling Venus enters modest Virgo, you’ll be in the mood to simplify your budget and self-care routines. When Venus moves through this mutable earth sign, we’re challenged to pull back and focus on the basics. Adopting a minimalist mindset during this period can help you to eliminate unnecessary indulgences — and determine what you genuinely need.

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, October 2, 2023.


Avoid wasting your energy on pointless endeavours, Aries. At the top of this week, you’ll need to be extra discerning with how you spend your time, otherwise you could get sucked into traps that’ll make it impossible for you to accomplish everything on your to-do list. Do your best to stay focused and remember: you don’t have to go it alone. Starting now and over the coming weeks, consider how you can strengthen your relationships while you tackle your goals. Invite your friends to join you on simple errands and outings — the conversations you have could spark major inspiration and joy. 


It’s a beautiful time to manifest your desires, Taurus. So at the start of this week, take a moment to express your wildest dreams to the people you love most. If you need a little help reaching your goals, this could also be an ideal opportunity to call in a few favours. Meanwhile, if you’ve been meaning to start finessing your finances, you’ll be blessed with the critical eye to help you do so as Venus moves into Virgo at the end of the week. If you can spend this transit really familiarizing yourself with your budget, you’ll be on the right track to create a new relationship with money. 


Are you having a hard time finding your focus, Gemini? At the beginning of this week, it could feel as though your responsibilities are pulling you in opposing directions. Avoid pushing yourself too hard just to tackle everything on your to-do list. Instead, take a break and indulge in a little creative work in order to reduce the pressure. Getting back to basics will allow you to find more beauty in the everyday, and once you’ve centred yourself, you’ll be in a better mood to handle essential tasks. In fact, at the end of the week, you may be feeling especially helpful and eager to share your insights with loved ones. 


Try your best not to sweat the small stuff, Cancer. At the start of this week, you may find it difficult to make sense of all the chaos around you. Miscommunications could also rub you the wrong way, but it’s important that you don’t second-guess yourself. Instead, give yourself permission to retreat into your crab shell until the coast is clear. Once the buzz dies down, you’ll be ready to reconnect with your most trusted friends and start dreaming up some exciting plans for the fall season. Challenge yourself to try something new with the people you love. 


Do you need a helping hand, Leo? At the beginning of this week, your powers of persuasion will intensify, making it easy to enlist your loved ones to assist you. If it’s a financial conundrum you’re facing, the people closest to you can help you get to the bottom of things. You may find it even easier to talk about money as Venus inhabits Virgo over the next few weeks. This is a great opportunity to check your attitude toward your finances: are they something that you fear or that you celebrate? Seize this chance to heal any bad spending habits you may have and work on adopting a true mindset of abundance. 


Sometimes you just need to escape and recalibrate, Virgo. Remember this at the top of this week if it begins to feel like you’re being pulled in different directions as you try to balance your professional and private lives. Take a walk, listen to your favourite music and do your best to disconnect. After a short break, you’ll be ready to re-enter the world — perhaps even with a powerful new vision for your career. Then, you’ll have a brilliant opportunity to reshape your idea of what wealth truly means as Venus moves into Virgo. Consider your needs over the next few weeks; it’s an ideal time to take concrete steps toward improving your financial health. 


It’s OK to lay low, Libra. You may not have the capacity to be around large groups at the beginning of this week, especially if the chatter becomes overwhelming. When you must engage with others, do your best to keep the atmosphere lighthearted and avoid getting entangled in draining conversations. Toward the end of the week, you’ll be feeling refreshed and ready to refocus your energy on implementing small changes to your home. A minor repair here, a furniture shuffle there … you could even be inspired to clear out things you no longer need and host a garage sale. This is a beautiful time to reinvigorate your surroundings. 


Are you hungry for adventure, Scorpio? This week, you’ll be at your most persuasive and able to convince even your shyest friends to join you in the fun. If you’d rather keep things casual than plan an extravagant activity, you may want to spend time connecting with loved ones by discussing life’s more profound truths. No matter what you do, just make sure that you’re with the ones you love. This weekend, you’ll want to avoid tangoing with people on or offline, as the messy atmosphere could make everyone a bit prickly. If you feel tempted to get into a fight, remind yourself that the back and forth will only end up depleting your energy. 


Don’t hesitate to seek out solitude, Sagittarius. At the beginning of this week, finding a quiet sanctuary to work through your responsibilities could go a long way toward minimizing your stress. Setting aside time to focus on these aspects of your life will allow you to be more present with loved ones when you’ve finished up your work. You just need a moment to really sort out your thoughts. Then, later in the week, you’ll be ready to refocus your attention on your professional goals. Aim to redefine your earning potential so you can claim what’s yours. 


Don’t believe everything you hear, Capricorn. Early in the week, you’ll have to use your powers of discernment to sort through opinions from others as practically everyone under the sun lines up to give you their advice. Remember: only you can decide what’s truly best for your life. Meanwhile, on the career front, you’ll have the opportunity to amplify your effectiveness at work if you can develop some better habits over the coming weeks. Seize this chance to create a morning routine that will jump-start your day and allow you to make the most of your time.


Trust your intuition, Aquarius. If something feels off in your finances this week, it’s worth taking a little time to clarify the situation. If you’re in the process of paying off a debt, dealing with an inheritance or making a big purchase, it’s particularly important that you avoid signing anything until you’ve simplified the chaos. Find a moment to analyze the facts in private so you can figure out your next move without the buzz of others in your ears. When it comes to your career, know that you may require some help if you want to take things to the next level. Now is the time to ask for assistance and establish partnerships that’ll allow you to manifest your dreams. 


The start of this week could have a bit of a baffling energy, Pisces. If conversations with your loved ones leave you feeling misunderstood or exasperated, don’t hesitate to escape by immersing yourself in an activity that’ll help to relax your mind. You’ll be able to get a clearer sense of it all once the fog has cleared. In the meantime, discussing ideas for upcoming events, parties and get-togethers could help to reinvigorate your playful spirit. If you’ve been wanting to host a gathering, start planting the seeds with anyone you live with — your irresistible charm is sure to entice them. 

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