Tarot cards

Which is the most powerful Tarot card?


Tarot cards, a deck used for divination and spiritual guidance, consist of 78 cards divided into the Major and Minor Arcana, with each card bearing symbolic meaning. While determining the most powerful card is subjective, some are generally considered influential:
The Fool:
As the first card of the Major Arcana, The Fool is often deemed the most influential, positive, and powerful.Numbered zero, it symbolizes infinite possibilities and limitless freedom, depicted as a young man about to step off a cliff, with a dog, a bag, and a white rose.
The Magician:
Marked as number I, The Magician is considered one of the most powerful Tarot cards. It represents the ability to turn ideas into reality, showcasing the skill of making things happen. The Magician’s control over earth, air, fire, and water signifies the potential for creation and transformation.
The Tower:
The Tower (XVI) stands out as a powerful Tarot card, depicting a tower struck by lightning and falling apart, symbolizing chaos and destruction. However, within this disorder lies the opportunity for renewal and change, emphasizing that breakthroughs often follow breakdowns.
The World:
The World (XXI) card signifies cosmic harmony and fulfillment, concluding the Fool’s Journey. It represents the achievement of spiritual enlightenment and a profound connection with the universe. The feeling of completion suggests a full circle in the journey of self-discovery.
While interpretations may vary, these cards are generally acknowledged for their impactful symbolism in Tarot readings. Know learn more about Tarot cards, attend The Times of India’s Astro Summit titled ‘The Open Mind’. The event which will be held in January 2024.
Learn about Astrology, Numerology and Tarot from experts, sign up for The Open Mind Astro Summit 2023


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