Tarot cards

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New Yorkers are ditching their therapists for psychics.

According to the New York Post, they’re fed up with their therapists and moving on to someone with special gifts from the great beyond.

Dissatisfied with the lack of progression in traditional therapy, they find a psychic for tarot and astrology much more helpful and less expensive.

In an interview with the news source, psychic Dante Sabatino says he has seen a steady uptick in people seeking alternative healing.

Another bonus is that unlike therapy, which typically involves weekly sessions, most people see their psychics a few times a year, costing them much less overall.

However, even psychics aren’t playing down the good that therapy provides.

Sabatino says his tarot reading focuses on the next two years of a person’s life, while therapists help people heal from their past.

feature image from Alina Vilchenko via pexels

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