Tarot cards

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know Before The April 8 Solar Eclipse

Having thrown the cards down, we can see that the days before the solar eclipse does, indeed, bring challenges.

We are not so weak that a challenge will throw us off course for too long. This is life. We get knocked down, and we get up again, just like the song.

We see that this reading brings us many cards in their reversed position. Each zodiac sign receives a card. 

What becomes obvious as we go over each tarot card, from its archaic and original interpretation to our ‘present and modern’ take on it, is that we’ve got a big week coming our way.

If we’ve been ‘on a roll’ as of late, we know innately that sooner or later, that ‘roll’ may contain a bump. 

Many of us will show us that if there’s an obstacle in the way of our happiness, then we will deal with it promptly and make it a thing of the past as soon as we can.

RELATED: 2 Zodiac Signs Experience Healing During Mercury Retrograde From Now To April 7, 2024

This is a world of duality; we have to expect that there will be good days and not such good days. Either way, we live to tell! Onwards, brave soldiers!

Intuitive tarot card reading for each zodiac sign before the April 8 solar eclipse:


(March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Card: The World, reversed

Traditional Meaning: Inertia, boredom, inability to move forward, feeling stuck, stagnation, wanting more than you have, feeling trapped, permanence, anti-climactic response to something you expected would be much better.

Real-Life Insight: This tarot card clearly shows that the World, as you know it, feels upside down. That’s the thing about the Tarot: It’s all image and symbol interpretation, and what you’re looking at here is how your world has been turned upside down. That leaves you with a few decisions to make. You will wonder if this is what you really want after all.

Positive Light: The newness of whatever is going on in your life might not feel super comfortable right now, but it’s a learning curve for you, Aries. Yes, significant changes have occurred, and all of them are positive. So why don’t you feel chuffed by all the great stuff around you? Simply because you haven’t gotten used to the change yet. Hang in there. It’s just about time. Time will get you where you want to be.

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