Tarot cards

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs Most In January 2024, Per The Tarot

We got ourselves this far and we deserve to know that the future is open to us and that we are here to make the best of it. Whether we are the kind of people who make resolutions or not, we can’t help but feel as though January has to show us something good. We’re also aware that we are the driving force behind that thought process … so let’s go, team!

This month, we will look at one single card picked for each and every zodiac sign. One card only and the reason for this minimalism is to get to the point without much fanfare.

We have a tarot card reading for the entire year, which will go into more detail. For this month, January 2024, we start with the basics. Let’s keep it easy and simple.

Before us, we will see symbols; these symbols come with numbers, images and perceptions. These symbols are up for interpretation. We can choose to welcome them, or we can reject them. They are there, nonetheless.

The card you receive means that only you can understand because alongside the main interpreter here, there’s you … and understanding your fate is a matter of being open, being smart and doing your due diligence. This year is about owning our intelligence and working for the greater good. Let’s do this!

What your zodiac sign needs the most during the month of January 2024:

Aries, you need to assert yourself.

Tarot Card: Ace of Wands

Talk about getting a good card to start with. Holy moly, Aries. This card, the Ace of Wands, is here to show you that January is all about you asserting yourself. You’re not doing this blindly, either. You know exactly what you’ve come here for and how long it takes you to get here. Now that you’re here, well, we need to part the Red Sea for you because what you’re bringing is big and important. Feel confident about January, as this is a month that could be considered a proving ground for you.

Not only do you have a superb attitude about the year in general, but you are there right at the top, bringing the best ideas to the table. You are also respected for your brilliance and it becomes very obvious to you during January that the past is behind you now and that if you believe in yourself, then you’ll have the world on a string. What you believe in, you see. You are the new creator, the master of your destiny.

Keywords for the month: ferocity, ownership, ruler

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