Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Venus Enters Virgo

Reignite your inner glow as you honor what it is you most deserve. Prepare a cup of chamomile tea, and light some earthy cypress incense as you breathe deep and return to the awareness that what is meant for you is already yours — all you must do is attract it.  

Let go of the idea that you must constantly exhaust yourself to create your dreams and focus instead on stepping into your divine worth, where you already know nothing can ruin your fate. There is no lack of what is meant for you because it is yours. You only must allow it to find you. As you release what isn’t working or the belief that struggle is a part of success, you will step into a place where you will see how auspiciously you can attract all you have ever dreamed of.  

On October 8, Venus, the planet of love, ends its four-month journey through Leo and shifts into Virgo. This is a breath of new energy, as just a day before, on October 7, Venus leaves its retro shade phase behind and helps you see the purpose of events of the last few months.

Venus in Leo was all about helping you follow and honor your truth at all costs, as you no longer allowed yourself to remain in situations where you had to disregard your needs to please others. As Venus shifts into Virgo, healing energy begins to filter in as you are reminded that you always have deserved more — you need to believe that for yourself.  

Venus in Virgo helps you to radiate a sense of deservingness and self-worth, as it invites you to focus on yourself before you start overly accommodating others or trying to make something work that just isn’t meant to. Virgo is an earth sign and brings an empowering goddess energy to this phase of your manifestations.

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