Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest On October 8, 2023

Within each moment is the blossom of a new beginning as you peel back the layers and allow yourself to embrace the newness. Ground yourself into the earth energy of Virgo as Venus begins its new cycle and helps you meet life with fresh eyes and an open heart as you prepare to manifest your deepest desires.  

Venus begins a brand-new cycle approximately every two years, which is the purpose of its retrograde journey. So, when this planet retrogrades, it’s not just about reviewing or releasing, which no longer serves you, but also beginning a new chapter within your life. During this recent process of Venus, it spent four months in the fire sign of Leo as it prepared to wash away the old so the new could grow. As it leaves behind its retro shade phase and shifts into Virgo, you see everything through a new lens. 

On Sunday, October 8, Venus, which governs love, finances, real estate and feminine energy, shifts into Virgo, leaving behind the review of its retrograde as it focuses on the future. As you prepare to welcome this new energy, you must make peace with what the past four months have represented for you. The last time Venus was retrograde was in the early part of 2022. since then, focus on what themes you are laying to rest as you embrace a new focus on your growth.  

The universe always provides you with new opportunities to level up within your life, but it always comes down to your conscious choice to walk through those new doorways. As Venus shifts into Virgo, truly beginning its new cycle, focus on how you can consciously choose the growth that will lead to you manifesting all you dream of for your life, knowing that although the future hasn’t yet been written, it doesn’t mean it’s not already destined in the stars.  

Elements For Your Rituals, Sunday, October 8 

Leading Energy: Virgo, Earth 

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