Tarot cards

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect The Last Week Of December, According To The Tarot


Happy Holidays to all, and all have a very good week. The week in question is December 25 – 31, and it is the very last week of the year 2023. Oh, what a year it’s been, which is why it’s a fine idea to wrap things up for all zodiac signs with a one-card tarot reading. Will this week bring us completion? Are we walking into the new year feeling good about ourselves?

We all know that in each of our ways, we’ve experienced a life’s worth of experience in this one year alone. The world has shown us that we must learn how to turn within to find comfort, as there is very little of it being offered ‘out there.’ We’ve seen the plot lines of the dramas and they all seem to be about ‘the end of the world.’

So, if all we’re fed is doom and gloom, it’s up to us to create a personal place of peace for ourselves and our loved ones. It’s not always an easy thing to do, but we, as humans, are not one hundred percent corrupt, as we’ve been told we are by the media and by the entertainment we choose to watch. We are more than the sum of our parts, and during this last week of the year, we will turn to the Tarot for deeper meaning.

Weekly tarot horoscope for December 25 – 31, 2023:


(March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Card: The Hanged Man


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