Tarot cards

Weekly tarot horoscope reading for January 1 to January 7, 2024

Get ready for a new week (Picture: Getty/

New Year, new week, new month.

Mercury turns direct from January 1 (thank goodness, we’re not keen on that Retrograde), and Mars moves into Capricorn on January 4. All positive, go-getting, fresh start vibes.

Although still in the dead of winter (typically a regenerative, restful hibernation period) this is a good week to activate something new, put effort into moving a plan forward, take steps towards something you think needs some welly to get it going.

What should this be though? Don’t waste your energy, let the tarot guide the way.


March 21 to April 20

Focus on your loved ones this week (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Aries for this week: The Empress

Meaning: Look close to home. What would make a big difference to you or you and your family right now? What would make home and hearth feel a little warmer, cosier, and safer? Start right there. Make a sanctuary, a nest, a welcoming and secure space to rest, hibernate and relax in.

If there’s a project or something in the sales – get into it. If you’re thinking of moving, make this project begin this New Year, don’t delay. Also, a little specifically, this card can also predict pregnancy so if that’s a goal… get to it.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

This is a teachable moment (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Taurus for this week: Eight of Cups

Meaning: Some things end of their own accord, a natural phasing out or conclusion. Some things need an active and conscious cut off and this week you’re ready to do the latter.

Something has disappointed you and not panned out as hoped. That’s okay, you can pivot away and start something else. But consciously, deliberately, overtly and reflectively shut this down first. Take a life lesson. Extract the experience. Move on.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

You’re tapping into a special energy (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Gemini for this week: The High Priestess

Meaning: You are in a deeply reflective, thoughtful, meditative, and still mode. Resting after Christmas and New Year, recovering perhaps, rebooting and recalibrating to a new year.

The High Priestess wants you in this state, wants you to be quiet and still so she can whisper important insights and ideas in your ear. Don’t get busy and bustled, don’t step up your game just yet… you need to hear these whisperings to know what truly matters and where to focus.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

Avoid overthinking, just let it happen (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Cancer for this week: Nine of Wands

Meaning: Pick your hardest task on your to-do list and run at it like a steaming bull, Cancer! Forceful and head on. Take no prisoners. See what needs doing, schedule it, and do it – no messing about.

The Nine of Wands promises this will go a lot better than you think it will and the Universe is backing you 100%. You almost can’t fail, so just lean in and make moves, the obstacles will evaporate and you will come through smiling.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Good things are on the horizon for you (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Leo for this week: Six of Wands

Meaning: Leo, it’s all go this week and the doors are all opening for you, so be confident and step towards places you really want to go. The Six of Wands brings good luck, success, and new opportunity, all stemming from previous pieces of good luck or success.

So, build on what you’re good at, like doing, have enjoyed great achievement with, or been complimented on. In short, play to your strengths and you will have a genuinely winning week ahead.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

Virgo, your skills are required to resolve this (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Virgo for this week: Three of Swords

Meaning: Tackle a tricky relationship situation or issue. Set to resolving what’s broken or disconnected or lost. You are a natural fixer and have a very perceptive and shrewd mind. You can fathom stuff out.

The Three of Swords wants your skills focused on a relationship issue that has caused pain, strife, stress, or conflict in your realm. Get to the root cause, discuss what’s happened, share feelings, share hopes and fears, seek to compromise, mediate, and resolve. You alone can do this.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

It’s all systems go (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Libra for this week: Knight of Wands

Meaning: Go at it all 100mph and blast through the work to get to the glorious play! Work hard, play hard. You want to do it all this week and this intensity of high octane energy doesn’t visit you that often so use it all and have a great time.

Get stuff done, start the year by making headway. Take risks, throw the dice, take a chance. Travel, visit, reunite, explore, create, investigate, learn, ask, challenge, laugh, have fun. It’s going to be like six months’ worth of stuff happens in just one week!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

Love is in the air (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Scorpio for this week: Ten of Cups

Meaning: Your love life is the area you want to see most progress. Perhaps you’re ready to make a move (whatever that is). Ask them out, book the second date, make a proposal, tell them the truth, say how you feel, make a commitment, move in, move on, get engaged, get together.

The Ten of Cups is a happy-ever-after love card so whatever positive moves you make this week will trigger a new love life chapter of bliss!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

Inspiration is striking for you, Sagittarius (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Sagittarius for this week: King of Swords

Meaning: You have a new longterm plan or strategy brewing which is very well thought-through and robust, and now is the time to make your first step.

The King of Swords puts this in intellectual, challenging, work-related or personal development territory. It’s about growth, expansion, progress, taking the lead, seizing control, forging ahead on your own ideas and inspiration. This is an empowering project and you’re ready now, at least, to take it on fully

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

Why not open your mind? (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Capricorn for this week: Seven of Cups

Meaning: Be creative this week, Cap, and enjoy the fruits of your imagination. Amongst them will be a golden nugget that you should get down on paper, research, unpick and rebuild, and activate.

Everything starts in our imagination basically, so let fantasy start to morph into reality this week. Let yourself go on a mental escapade, imagine how things could be. This is the start of new shift into a dream lifestyle phase!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

Ready for some ‘me time’ (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Aquarius for this week: The Hermit

Meaning: The Hermit is an invitation to be alone, seek your own space, do what suits, and invest intellectually into study, research, meditation, writing, creativity, or invention.

You’ve got an important solo project to undertake. Invest the time, space and energy into it this week, no matter what anyone says, and you can make surprising headway and find new truths, insights, and ideas that really could make a difference to your life and future. You are kind of inventing a new way of life, but this is the prep and research phase. Get stuck in. This matters.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

Be grateful for the blessings you have (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Pisces for this week: Four of Cups

Meaning: Refocus on all that you already have, everything already in your grasp, under your nose, in your realm. You are already wealthy in so many ways… see it, appreciate it, feel the gratitude and feel the motivation to make more of what you already have.

This is the easiest and fastest way to growth, prosperity, and satisfaction in 2024. You are already two-thirds of the way there; just notice the platforms you already have and build a little bit more on them.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

MORE : Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of January 2024

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