Tarot cards

Weekly Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign, April 15 – 21, 2024

Welcome to each zodiac sign’s weekly tarot card reading for the week of April 15 to 21, 2024. For many of us, thinking of April 15 is merely a stark reminder of the ‘deadline’ to get our tax returns in. What’s interesting about this date — and this week — is that with the crunch of ‘taxes,’ we also get the idea of finishing up business, ending certain ‘annoying’ situations, and perhaps even starting a new one. This week’s tarot card predictions show us that when one door closes, another one opens as if it were some kind of mystical law of nature.

We are here to learn, to grow, to be able to end one thing so that we can go on with another. This applies to work, relationships, friendships, and habits. April 15 – 21, 2024 could signify ‘the beginning of the beginning,’ so to speak. Newness is coming our way, and we are the key player in making all of it happen.

We will pull one card for each zodiac sign. We will go over the traditional meaning of this card, along with a more modern interpretation. As always, we will shed a positive light on whatever it is that we’ve learned from this card, as there is always a bright side to everything. So, let us begin. 

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Each zodiac sign’s tarot card horoscope for the week of April 15 – 21:


Tarot Card: Two of Wands

Traditional Meaning: This card represents the ultimate indecision. On the one hand, there are riches, fortune, magnificence, and on the other hand, there is sadness, regret, suffering, and other sorry stuff. This is a card that seems ‘obvious,’ and yet it represents sacrifice. In order to get one thing, so much of another thing has to be given up.

Real Life Insight: This card has you looking at what you’ve accomplished and what you had to pay to get where you are right now. During this week, you may feel some heavy regret for your choices, as you perhaps ‘thought you were doing the right thing’ when, in fact, you’ve created for yourself a very lonely place that has you feeling as though you’d like to flip it all on its side and start again.

Positive Light: The light in this is the revelation that you did what you did and that if you take responsibility for it, then you can own it and make it yours. You might not feel totally stable as of now, as you are still doubting yourself and wondering if you did the right thing. You did what you thought was best, and that has to work out for you. You will make it work out for you, Aries. That is in your nature.

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Tarot Card: The Devil

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