Tarot cards

Weekly Tarot Card Reading Horoscope for October 23, 2023


You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


king of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You are a survivor. You are here; you made it; you’ve overcome so much. Life is an endurance marathon, not a sprint. The King of Pentacles is a reminder of these truths. He asks you to pace yourself, go slow and steady, and break the big stuff down into bite-size pieces. This week, create realistic expectations, strategies, and schedules. Be the boss of your own time and energy. Rewards, security, recognition, and progress are all there to be had if you treat yourself well, lean to pragmatism, and work hard.


7 of cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Daydreams are not frivolous. They’re not there to be ignored or pushed aside. They are a personal blueprint of what could happen in your world. Daydreams motivate, inspire, and excite you, so use them well. The Seven of Cups is a nudge to pay attention to what you’re dreaming about and get it down on paper. Research it. Look at ways to bring it to life. Take the fantasy and make a plan to manifest in IRL. Why not? Why else are you playing this over in your mind? Take action.


8 cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Your stubbornness and dogmatic appetite for control and being ‘right’ can really trip you up sometimes Taurus. I am here to be unpopular and tell you that the Eight of Cups is saying ‘admit defeat’. You are persisting with something which is never going to work and you’re just wasting your precious time and energy. Let this go. Drop the act. Stop making excuses. See it for what it is and pivot towards something else. You can do better, real fast, as long as you drop this dead weight.


4 of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Move forward, Gemini. It’s time for you to reach for that next level. The Four of Wands is a promotion card. It’s a promise of great things to come if you have faith in your abilities. This week, go after that dream job, opportunity, trip, course, or task. Push outside of your comfort zone because that is where growth and reward are to be found. If travel or a location change are indicated, then go for it—this card is a great omen for both!



Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The ambitious, strong, and fearsome Emperor brings powerful vibes this week. People often under-estimate how determined and unstoppable you are when you’re invested in something (or someone). Time to show them what you’ve got, Cancer. Set your goal, make a plan, take a breath, and then head out to achieve it, no matter what. This is your week to push ahead with your own agenda. Pursue your own goals and dreams. No one is going to do it for you, so help yourself first. Anything is possible.


hanged man

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

If you keep on doing the same thing, you will keep on getting the same results. The Hanged Man shows that you need to switch things up. Think outside the box. Look at the situation (the one you feel stuck about) from another person’s POV or perspective. You need to get out of your own head! Go get a second (or third) opinion, look at things from all POVs, and you’ll finally escape this slump. Stop what you’re doing and recalibrate.


9 pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

With consistent effort, you can achieve more than you truly think is possible, Virgo. You are one of the most capable, practical, and ambitious signs. The Nine of Pentacles wants you to work on a long-term goal related to your health, wealth, work, or home. It is an improvement, an upgrade, an aspirational ideal. It can happen with time, effort, and determined application. Worthwhile rewards come to those who put the work in. It starts here and it brings rewards down the line.


2 of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Two of Swords points to overdue business in your inbox that requires urgent and decisive action. I feel like your boss here! Don’t make excuses, avoid the work required, or put off the decision-making. It’s time! There is nothing to dread here, Libra. You are only hurting yourself by letting this all pile up. Set aside a chunk of time and work through your to-do list diligently and purposefully. The relief will be tangible!



Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

In love, Scorpios are known to be intense, passionate, maybe a lil bit jealous/obsessive (we’ll gloss over that part), and very sexual. Scorpio romances are not for the faint-hearted or uncertain casual situationships. Well, this week you might well find what you’re looking for! The Ten of Cups shows a happily-ever-after love affair is on the cards, possibly with a fellow charismatic water sign (Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer). Don’t play games or act coy. Tell them how you feel and enjoy the thrill of being understood, admired, and desired.


page pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You love learning about the world, understanding other cultures, deciphering history and politics, delving into the occult or esoteric, and reading up on amazing people and their achievements. Do all of the above this week, Sagittarius, because the Page of Pentacles is the tarot’s student, indicating you’d be well served by a phase of education. Seek enlightenment through lectures, podcasts, books, opinions, discussions, and debates. Stretch your thinking, test your theories, and bounce new ideas around. Say whatever you are thinking. It’s all about your brain this week.


2 of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You have got an awful lot going on, Capricorn and, perhaps you’d do well to streamline your priorities this week. Otherwise, you might find a mood of ambiguity settling in which will undermine your efforts. The Two of Wands shows you’ve started many new things but not all of them are going anywhere, or likely to do so. Weed them out now. Pull up the shoots that aren’t taking root and focus on the ones which are growing and thriving. Success leads to more success. Focus where you’re winning.


7 pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Autumn is all about shedding, releasing, and letting things go—they call it “fall” for a reason. This week is all about stripping back activity and clutter, leaving you ready for winter so you can recalibrate, rejuvenate, and come into spring with new ideas and plans. Start this process this week, Aquarius, with the renewing Seven of Pentacles. Not everything you’re doing now will make it through to 2024. Start to identify what you need to let go of. Notice things which are coming full cycle and might not last much longer. Make a list of things to release.


9 cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Put your heart and soul into your most passionately held desire or daydream this week, Pisces, because dreams can come true! When you wish upon a Nine of Cups, the universe hears you and helps you. All it needs to see is a little focus, belief, and effort! Get the ball rolling with an overt action or step and revel in the good fortune and new opportunity that will start to flow your way, helping you manifest this fantasy. Anything is possible here. Believe in yourself and your dreams.

Headshot of Kerry Ward


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