Tarot cards

Weekly Tarot Card Reading Horoscope for November 6, 2023


You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


5 of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

I don’t presume to know what your lie is like, but we’ve all been ~going through it~ lately. Life is hard, and being a good human is hard. There is no blueprint or singular proven right way to live. The Five of Pentacles recognizes the universal feeling of struggle, disappointment, fear, loss, grief, and maybe anger too. Hard-to-shake emotions are making you feel low. It’s time to come together and share whatever you have, even if it’s just your story. Don’t be alone. Don’t isolate. It’s all about community.


the magician

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

A bright spark in a dark world. The Magician is a beautiful card about creativity, invention, and using your unique blend of strengths and talents to make a good life. What better way to be, right? So, know what you’re good at and enjoy doing. Don’t brush it aside. Take steps to make more of it via a new role, training, skill refinement, or practice. Be inventive, imaginative, and think outside of the box. This is your time to shine.


the chariot

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

This is a purposeful card, Taurus. You can take the reins and drive your chariot wherever you wish to go, even literally! This card is associated with movement, travel, journeys, and home or location changes. The key is to know your purpose and have a clear goal. Then, you can work towards a firm ambition. Without it, you’re just going in circles. So, set a goal. Make it clear. And then make some decisions that move you closer to it. There’s a powerful week ahead.


knight of cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Romance, play, adventure, fun, and socializing: Yo have a lovely week ahead, Gemini, especially if you’re single and looking for someone special. Keep an eye out for a charismatic, passionate water sign (Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio) who could literally sweep you off your feet. This is a week to fall in love! If you’re happily attached, then invest in that relationship and make some memories. And whatever your relationship status, focus on good friends and family. Spend time with the people you love and like.


3 of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Being in the right place at the right time will get you further than any finely tuned planning and maneuvering. Cancer, tune in to your intuition and go wherever it sends you! The Three of Wands shows that there are powerful unseen forces at work in your life right now, you just need to find them and work with them. Anything is possible! You could end this week in a totally new position with a whole raft of fresh options to play with. Just follow your hunches spend time in places and with people that have a good vibe. Be visible, open-minded, and responsive. This is going to be a fun, interesting week.



Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Change is inevitable and necessary. Everything has a life cycle, from birth to fulfillment to fading and eventually death. This week, consider where you’re at in your life cycle, as well as your career aspirations, relationships, and ambitions. Treat them accordingly, because change is coming. The Death card shows something will soon end (it’s ready to go; it’s the right time) so that something new can begin. You are going to go through a transition this fall, and it’s going to be liberating, empowering, and life-changing. Embrace it.


8 of cups

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Virgo, you are such a perfectionist that it can be hard to admit defeat on anything. But you must! The Eight of Cups shows you’ve been making excuses or covering up for something, or someone. They are not hitting the right spots and never will. Admit it. Release the pressure to make it happen. It is not going to happen. Phew! Now you can re-invest that precious Mercury energy elsewhere. The Eight of Cups reveals this messy episode was practice for something a lot bigger and better. Pivot and divert. A great opportunity lies just around the corner.


the moon

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Moon shows that there is a mystery waiting for your attention. You enjoy getting to the bottom of things, figuring out a puzzle, or solving a cold case. Go wherever there is a question mark in your realm and work on it this week. Research, ask, double-down on your questions, get a second and third opinion, and unravel things. The answers you receive here could shape important decisions in the future. Don’t remain uninformed. Get your intel!


wheel of fortune

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

We all know that the only constant in life is change, and The Wheel of Fortune is reinforcement of that truth in your life this week. Expect the unexpected and go with the flow. Don’t resist or try hold back the tide… it won’t work. Jump into the waves, seize the openings, take advantage of the emerging opportunities, and be proactive and positive. You will end up in a better spot than where you stand right now. It just takes confidence and optimism. And you can always fake it til you make it!


6 of pentacles

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Be good, kind, and helpful this week, Sag. The Six of Pentacles advises living in a good karma cycle. Whatever altruistic deeds you do for others this week will be noticed, counted, and stored by the universe as good karma credit, ready to be repaid in surprising ways at unexpected times. This might be the best way to live. Others will repay favors and remember you were there for them.


the empress

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Your love life, family ties, and close friendships can blossom and thrive this week with a little bit of extra attention. It’s time to invest in those you love and like, make good memories, tell them your true feelings, demonstrate how you feel, and build good, strong, happy bonds. If you’re looking to start or grow your family, this is a great week. If you’re single and hoping to meet someone, then keep an eye out, especially for Tauruses and Libras. If you’re hoping to rekindle or reunite with someone, then reach out because love and forgiveness are in the air. Put some effort into your relationship landscape and it will be repaid.


ace of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Your astrological symbol is the water-bearer, which represents truth and purity. You are honest to a fault, Aquarius, and others know it. The Ace of Swords represents a challenge to be faced this week, likely a tough conversation. Some difficult dialogue lies ahead, but it is necessary and will yield the right result for you. If you don’t speak up, this moment will pass and things won’t get the chance to be aired, analyzed, and potentially improved. Express yourself fully and give them space to do the same. Come to an understanding. Take it from there.


7 of swords

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Pisces, you’re too good a person to waste your time being taken advantage of by frenemies or hangers-on. The Seven of Swords asks you to recognize the people in your circle who don’t do anything for you, seem sneaky, or give off an untrustworthy vibe (even if they’re cool, smart, funny etc). Just take astep back this week. Don’t give them your all. Protect yourself from their schemes or gossip and draw closer to those you KNOW have your back.

Headshot of Kerry Ward


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