Tarot cards

Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023, These 3 Sun Signs Have Wedding Bells In Store For Them


With a new week about to begin, we bring you exclusive predictions about your love life based on tarot card readings curated specifically for each zodiac sign that will keep you ready to go when you get the call of cupid.

Aries (March 21 to April 19) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Aries will get new proposals in their love life, matrimonially and dating wise. But they will only cry over spilt milk in their past relationships.To get your hands on your detailed Aries weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Taurus will have clashes with their partners based on choices or plans, They will eventually resolve their issues and fights. Desires of both the partners will be fulfilled. To get your hands on your detailed Taurus weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Gemini will finally see a better phase in their relationship, after a rough patch of trials they might have faced in the past. Mutual initiatives to make their love life better will be taken and couple goals will be set and shown off.To get your hands on your detailed Gemini weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023


Cancer and their partners will have mutual affections this week. Surprises including dinner dates, presents and more are in store. To get your hands on your detailed Cancer weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Leo (July 23 to August 22) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Leo will be keenly observing their partner or a prospective partner, if they are friends or are in the initial stages of dating. They will measure up and analyse their partner in each aspect and come to a decision in the coming weeks. To get your hands on your detailed Leo weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Virgo will take monetary benefits from their partner this week. What’s more, they will do this to try to sort their relationship out. Their partners will also play along and get manipulated by them. To get your hands on your detailed Virgo weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Libra (September 23 to October 22) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Libra will have a tough time dealing with their relationship this week. Their partners will not be able to make time for them. Misunderstandings and miscommunications might happen due to the paucity of time. To get your hands on your detailed Libra weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023



Scorpio will feel like they have made a blunder by getting into a relationship, and will feel stuck in it. It is an emotionally challenging time for them. To get your hands on your detailed Scorpio weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Sagittarius will be supportive towards their partners, while the latter might be aggressive towards them. They will give their partners peace in the face of their partner’s anger. To get your hands on your detailed Sagittarius weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 21) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Capricorn will try to separate from their partners, whereas, they will make attempts to resolve their issues with them and reconcile their relationship with them. To get your hands on your detailed Capricorn weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Aquarius will be taking on the reins of their relationship this week and they should do so since it is a necessary evil. If the control of their relationship goes into their partner’s hands, it will bring ruin to the relationship. To get your hands on your detailed Aquarius weekly love tarot reading, click here.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20) Weekly Love Tarot December 18-24, 2023

Pisces will be facing difficulties in their relationship since they will wait on their partners to take initiative, which will not fruition. A temporary chaos on the relationship front is on the cards until things finally get normalised. To get your hands on your detailed Pisces weekly love tarot reading, click here.

We hope you have a great week ahead. Stay tuned to HerZindagi for more of such stories.



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