Tarot cards

Week Of March 25, 2024

Now that the first day of spring has arrived, you can officially get excited about the new season and everything that comes with it, especially regarding your love life.

To find out what’s in store, Letao Wang, an astrologist and spiritual counselor, pulled three tarot cards to help answer a few love-related questions for the week.

Card 1: What do I need to know about my love life this week?

The World card represents a sense of completion and fulfillment. When it pops up in a tarot reading, you can interpret it to mean that something in your life is about to come to an end, and that something new is about to begin.

If you’re single, take it as a sign that you’ll be leaving your solo life behind real soon. Even if you’ve been enjoying your own company over the past couple months, it might feel right to put yourself back out there.

“If you are already in a relationship, this card invites you to view your current romantic status through a lens of gratitude, recognizing how it contributes to your overall growth and understanding of the world,” says Wang.

In general, this card is all about celebrating where you’ve been as you look ahead to where you’d like to go. (Read: more hot dates.)

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

The Three of Pentacles has themes of collaboration and partnership, says Wang, as represented by the trio of people having a chat.

Regarding the question of attracting more love, it could mean that you need to put yourself out there, and maybe even lean on a few friends to help you meet someone new. Maybe a friend will play the role of matchmaker or your roommates will join you for a trivia night so you can flirt with the team at the next table. It wouldn’t hurt to ask around and make a few plans.

If you have a partner, “this card encourages you to actively engage in building the foundation of your relationships with dedication and teamwork,” says Wang. “It reminds you that love is a co-created experience, and it flourishes most vibrantly when we invest our efforts and talents jointly.”

Throughout the week ahead, look for more ways to collaborate with your SO instead of just going about your usual routines. You could take a few walks together, plan a date night, or simply help each other do the dishes. As Wang says, it’s often these unromantic moments that build the most love.

Card 3: How does my partner or crush feel about me this week?

When the Ace of Pentacles shows up in a tarot reading, it’s always a good sign. “This card indicates new beginnings and the planting of seeds that have the potential to grow into something enduring and tangible,” says Wang.

If you’re wondering how a romantic interest feels about you this week, it likely means that they can see your connection slowly evolving into something more. And if you’re coupled up, your partner may feel grounded and secure whenever they’re with you, and that they’re excited what your lives will look like in the future.

“As it is a card that carries strong, earthy energy, the Ace of Pentacles also calls attention to the manifestation of love in its most physical form,” says Wang. To build on that warm and fuzzy feeling, he suggests finding ways to get close — possibly by holding hands or cuddling up for a movie night — so that you feel even more connected.


Letao Wang, astrologist, tarot reader, spiritual counselor

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