Tarot cards

Week Of March 18, 2024

With spring and summer on the horizon, the pressure is on to secure yourself a partner — or, at the very least, a friend with benefits.

The warm weather will have you downloading apps and meeting up for first dates, but the flurry of excitement can also leave you with a lot of questions about your love life.

To find out what this week has in store, Letao Wang, an astrologist and spiritual counselor, pulled three tarot cards to help you find some answers, including how to attract more love.

Card 1: What do I need to know about my love life this week?

Nine of Wands, which depicts an exasperated looking person, tends to pop up in a tarot reading when you’re feeling tired or worn out.

As it relates to your love life, “this could indicate exhaustion from efforts in communication, perhaps in an existing relationship or with someone you’re hoping to connect with,” says Wang. “It might feel as though you are the only one making an effort.”

This is so real if you’re currently plodding through a dry-as-toast conversation on a dating app, or if you’ve been feeling ignored or annoyed by a partner.

If that seems accurate, Wang recommends taking a mental health break this week, possibly by deleting the apps or setting some boundaries in terms of your emotional investment. Do whatever you need to do in order to get your energy back.

Cards 2: How can I attract more love this week?

The Strength card represents the power of love and patience, and it might be just the reminder you need, especially if you’re currently being ghosted or left on read.

The card shows a woman soothing an angry lion and, in this case, the lion represents you. According to Wang, the Strength card is meant to guide you in balancing your inner negative emotions, such as frustration, anger, or jealousy.

It’s tough to remain positive while dating, so it’s completely understandable if you feel like you want to roar and bite someone’s head off. To let it all out, try venting to a friend, going for a hot girl walk, or furiously journaling your thoughts.

To truly tame your inner lion, though, Wang recommends slowing down, centering yourself, and cultivating a loving demeanor — just like the woman on the card. It’ll put you in a better head space for your own well-being, and it might also help you find someone new.

Card 3: How does my partner/crush feel about me this week?

The Queen of Swords shows a regal persona on a thrown with a giant sword in her hand. According to Wang, the image represents honesty, intelligence, and principles.

With this card on the table, it means your partner sees you as someone who tells it like it is. They might also sense that you have something that you need to get off your chest, and they’re waiting for you to speak.

Do you need to define your relationship? Or make up after an argument? If so, the Queen of Swords could be urging you to let it all out.

As Wang says, this card often signals that a conversation will be blunt, and maybe even a little cold. While that approach might work in your favor, he recommends adopting an open-minded, caring stance as you sit down to talk. It’s what the Queen would want.


Letao Wang, astrologist, tarot reader, spiritual counselor

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