Tarot cards

Week Of April 1, 2024

The start of the week might seem like a sick joke, with April Fool’s Day coinciding with the start of Mercury in retrograde, which is known to mess with communication, technology, and travel. Luckily, t seems like your love life will sail through with relative ease.

To find out what’s in store, Letao Wang, an astrologist and spiritual counselor, pulled three tarot cards to help answer a few love-related questions — and they happen to all have a positive spin.

Card 1: What do I need to know about my love life this week?

In tarot, the suit of cups is associated with the water element and emotions. The Queen of Cups, in particular, represents emotional abundance and an intuitive connection to yourself and to others, says Wang.

This card could symbolize a need for more depth in your love life. If you’re coupled up, it might be time for an extra fancy date or a cozy night in. If you’re single, it might mean you need to prioritize good conversations that move beyond asking each other, “What’s your favorite color?”

That said, the Queen of Cups might also be reminding you to focus on yourself this week, especially if others are letting you down. “On the card, the Queen carefully holds her golden cup, which symbolizes us cherishing our own inner treasure and love,” says Wang.

Cards 2: How can I attract more love this week?

It feels slightly dramatic — and even a little scary, TBH — when the Death cards pops up in a tarot reading, but this is actually a great card to see, especially if you’re hoping for a fresh start.

According to Wang, the Death card symbolizes transformation and renewal. “To invite more love into your life this week, you’re called to embrace change,” he says. “This could mean letting go of past grievances, outdated perceptions of romance, or even an old flame that no longer serves you before trying to bringing more in.”

Take this opportunity to shake off the old so you can start the week with a new perspective. “Welcome this metamorphosis with open arms,” says Wang, “for it will pave the way to new, enriching experiences in love.”

Card 3: How does my partner/crush feel about me this week?

Since the Justice tarot card is all about balance, equilibrium, and, fairness, there’s a good chance your relationship will feel more steady and even-keeled in the days ahead.

This is great news if you’ve been dealing with little arguments or misunderstandings, says Wang. The Justice card signifies that your partner will want to approach you with honesty, as well as a desire to resolve issues fairly. And vice versa.

It could be as simple as finally agreeing on who will do the dishes or walk the dog, but it could also mean that you’ll have a more serious conversation about a major compromise.

If you’re in the early stages of a relationship, Justice suggests that your crush is seeking a foundation based on mutual respect and sincerity, says Wang. Consider this your sign to double text, answer right away, and drop all of the usual dating games. The right person will appreciate your genuine attention.


Letao Wang, astrologist, tarot reader, spiritual counselor

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