Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo Monthly Horoscope – Virgo Horoscope for March 2023 From the AstroTwins


MONTH OF January

More adventures await you in 2024, Virgo! In your relationships, your entrepreneurial ventures and everything in between, you stretched way beyond your comfort zone over the past year and dared to take exciting risks. So many Virgos we know have been traveling, experimenting and opening up to new approaches. Chances are you barely recognize parts of yourself!

Who says the excitement has to end? While the Capricorn Sun lights up your pleasure-seeking fifth house until January 20, you’ll be the official entertainment director in your crew. Shun that ridiculous “virgin” label and train your formidable powers of seduction on your latest love interest. The fifth house rules romance, and with powerful Pluto and libidinous Mars chiming in (until January 20 and February 13, respectively), you’re hotter than a roaring fire. For Virgos who want to get pregnant, this fertile solar circuit can bring happy news. Having fun with the children you already know will inspire your own inner child to come out and play. Creative pursuits and sartorial self-expression will also light you up, so don’t deem those areas low priority, Virgo.

As the vitalizing Sun and power broker Pluto both segue into Aquarius and your orderly sixth house on January 20, you’ll get way more serious about keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Efficient routines, streamlined workflow, regular exercise, a wholesome diet and healthy self-care become even more vital to you than before. (Have you guessed yet that the sixth house is known as “the Virgo house”?) Pluto is returning to Aquarius for the first time since March 23, 2023–June 11, 2023 and will camp out there until September 1 this year before popping back into Capricorn for one last hurrah. On November 19, 2024, the planet of deep transformation will embark on a world-changing tour of Aquarius that won’t wrap up until 2044 (yep, you read that right!)

Just take a moment to catch your breath on January 25, when the Leo full moon beams into your twelfth house of rest and healing. You’ll be glad you refilled your tanks because on January 27, trailblazing Uranus shoots forward in Taurus and your globetrotting, visionary ninth house after a five-month retrograde. With worldly Jupiter also in Taurus until May 25, you won’t be slowing down—or staying put—anytime soon. Embrace the spirit of adventure. In the second half of the year, you may land somewhere amazing. All this searching and experimenting will be part of that next chapter!

It’s Capricorn season until January 20

The holiday season may be in the rearview mirror, but you’re still in the mood to celebrate! The new year kicks off with the Sun in Capricorn and your passionate, fun-loving fifth house until January 20. You’ve made your resolutions and watched the ball drop, but the festivities don’t need to end. Keep the party going by dressing up in your most Gramworthy ‘fits and making plenty of nighttime plans to look forward to. 

Romance could also be in the picture as the calendar turns. Or maybe you’ll dive into a creative project…could this be the month you make your debut as an artist, singer-songwriter or performer? The answer could very well be “Hell, yes!” while bold Mars makes his way through Capricorn from January 4 until February 13. You have the courage to take a risk and do what pleases YOU for a change. 

Make the most of this cycle because intense Pluto is ending his tenure in the sign of the Sea Goat. This is the last time in our lives when el Sol and the powerful dwarf planet will be together in Cap. They’ll form an exact alignment on January 20 as they both move into Aquarius, Pluto preparing to settle in for the next 20 years. Roll credits!

Mercury retrograde ends on January 1

Now that’s more like it, Virgo. Right as 2024 begins, your ruling planet, Mercury, ends a nearly three-week retrograde at 10:08pm EST, clearing your mind and your vision. For the past week, Mercury’s been in Sagittarius and your fourth house of self-care and emotional foundations.

If you’ve felt mentally and physically drained over the holidays, no surprise. That was your cue, courtesy of your galactic guardian, to start prioritizing numero uno. Now that Mercury is powering forward, you can restore balance in your life. Turn your home back into a haven where you can read, journal and do restorative practices for the next couple weeks. Try out some new recipes or a nourishing meal delivery service. Take a mini-staycation to pamper yourself and connect with loved ones who uplift rather than drain you.

The January 11 Capricorn new moon awakens passion

Creativity and passion: reawakened! When the January 11 Capricorn new moon arrives, it opens the chambers of your heart to welcome whatever gives you joy. From new dating prospects to an artistic renaissance to an outpouring of self-expression, this lunar portal hands you the key. Changes started today will manifest midyear, when the skies serve up a rare TWO full moons in Capricorn, on June 21 and July 21.

Not sure where to begin? Simple: Let yourself be in the moment. There’s nothing to figure out or mastermind here, Virgo. The path to bliss is right in front of you! Keep your schedule light so you have plenty of time to follow the muse or any spontaneous notion that strikes. For Virgos of the childbearing set, the Capricorn new moon in your fertility sector could bring pregnancy news. Spend time with kids or get back in touch with your own playful side. 

Adjustments to your lifestyle may be in order as you ramp up the fun factor, Virgo. This new moon will form a tense square to the karmic lunar nodes in Aries and Libra. You may discover how some of your daily routines or partnerships are locking you into obligations that block your happiness. Let this new moon point you to the exit doors so you can free yourself from anything that’s holding you back.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20

A little too much talk and not enough action for you? You’ll be ready to implement changes starting January 20, when the Sun marches into Aquarius and your efficient sixth house. For the next four weeks, roll up your sleeves and turn your New Year’s resolutions into reality. Lace up your sneakers and start hitting that boot camp or HIIT circuit workout class you’ve been talking about. Or kick off your boots and head to yoga, or on a retreat where you can walk barefoot in the sand. 

Go on one of your epic Virgo decluttering missions, too: Clean out old files, or bring your gently-worn clothing to a charity dropoff. Implement a new calendar system to keep your schedule in order. By taking care of the so-called little things, you set yourself up for soaring success. 

Pluto enters Aquarius again on January 20 

Don your health halo, Virgo! A long transformational chapter is beginning as Pluto wraps up a 16-year tour of Capricorn and moves into Aquarius. While Pluto won’t settle into this analytical, wellness-minded part of your chart for good until November, you’re embarking on a nearly nine-month preview tour of what the next two decades will look like.

From March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, heavyweight Pluto made its first appearance in Aquarius and your sixth house of wellness (aka “the Virgo house”) since 1798. On January 20, it shows up for its second visit, which will last until September 1. Next comes a final encore in Capricorn (September 1 to November 19) before the planet of transformation settles into Aquarius until (gulp) 2044.

Due to its irregular, elliptical orbit, Pluto spends anywhere from 12 to 30 years in each sign, and it takes a total of 248 years to make its way through the entire zodiac. Over the next two decades, while regenerative Pluto parades through your salubrious sixth house, zeroing in on your gut health will pay dividends. Your sign rules the GI tract, which has its very own nervous system. In fact, the so-called “second brain” evolved in living creatures long before anyone had a brain in their head!

You might explore options like microbiome testing, supplemental soluble fiber and pre- and probiotics with your medical practitioner. Trust deep-diving Pluto to reveal the mind-body connections that can impact your well-being. The enteric nervous system in your gut is in constant communication with the central nervous system in your brain and spinal cord—proof positive that healing is a holistic pursuit. Not convinced, skeptical Virgo? Louise Hay’s classic book You Can Heal Your Life will make a believer out of you.

The January 25 Leo full moon brings an important moment of closure

Take a timeout to tune in at the January 25 Leo full moon, which illuminates your spiritual and healing twelfth house. You’ve got license to go to bed early or to putter around and pamper yourself—and to do absolutely nothing once you finish your duties. (What a concept!) 

Working from home? If you can sneak in a power nap today, keep a notebook handy. With la luna in your subconscious sector, your dreams could be rich, even prophetic. In fact, you’re more likely to resolve a challenging dilemma when you let your subconscious take over. If you find yourself stuck, stop to doodle, journal or get outside for a walk.

Do you have any forgiveness work to do? This full moon could be the time to finally put bygones into the past, including those that have been brewing since the Leo new moon of last August 16. Forgiveness is a process, though, and it’s not as easy as just “getting over it.” With the full moon opposite intense Pluto, you could find it hard to let go of control. Watch out for pettiness, Virgo. Sticking around in a bad situation just to get what you paid for will ultimately cost YOU most in the end. 

A tenuous relationship or situation may come to a natural conclusion at this full moon. Don’t fight what’s happening on its own, Virgo. With the full moon at odds with starry-eyed Jupiter, you might be tempted to stay in and make something work. While we love a bout of optimism for you, Virgo, be careful not to tip into delusion. Let it go and let it flow. If it’s meant to come back to you, it will. But today’s moonbeams sound the call to surrender the struggle. Maybe the universe has a better plan?

Uranus retrograde ends on January 27

Shout it out to the world! On January 27, trailblazer Uranus wakes up from a five-month retrograde in Taurus, bringing exciting growth opportunities out of the blue. 

With the planet of radical change in this worldly sector, you could connect with a long-distance client or collaborator. An opportunity to teach, publish or broadcast could appear, and you’ll want to make use of every platform that your ideal audience is on. 

Even more exciting? Expansive, adventurous Jupiter is also in Taurus until May 25. Your pioneering plans can make triple the impact (or more) with these two visionary planets putting extra wind beneath your wings. An opportunity for international travel or connection could arise out of the blue, especially when Uranus forms a sizzling trine to Mars in your passionate fifth house on January 29. Long-distance romantic jaunt, anyone?

Current mood: subject to change without notice. The month opens with the love planets, Venus and Mars, both in Sagittarius  and your emotional fourth house. You may be experiencing more than your usual share of the feels. Whether it’s post-holiday nostalgia or a crash from the back-to-work frenzy, you need to treat yourself delicately, Virgo. 

If you’re single, don’t rush into your 2024 #couplegoals; you can get to those as the month progresses. Pamper yourself by slowing down and turning your daily activities into micro self-care rituals. Get a dry brush for your skin, smooth on oil or lotion after a bath, be gentler with yourself AND others! A small touch, a hug or a little couch cuddling (with eye contact!) will boost those feel-good endorphins.

Soon, that glow-up will be turning some heads. From January 4 until February 13, Mars will be in Capricorn—a biannual visit that can send your attractiveness and swagger through the roof. As the red planet blazes through your passionate fifth house, your inner siren awakens.

Once Venus joins the party in Capricorn on January 23, turn your focus back outward and indulge in some playful, blood-pumping fun. Laugh, flirt and share your Libra light—you really can be one of the funniest signs of the zodiac! Since Venus only comes here once this year, be more proactive about your love life now. You’re captivating, Virgo, so enjoy this boost to your confidence and charisma. You may not notice it yet but trust us, others will. When Venus flows into an enchanting trine with worldly Jupiter on January 28, you could take a romantic trip or meet someone while traveling.

Ease into the year before going hard on your plans and goals. Capricorn season, which stretches until January 20, can feel like an extended holiday. With the Sun in your fifth house of passion and play, your more demonstrative side comes out.

Luckily, tooting your trumpet won’t be hard with motivator Mars in your fifth house of self-expression and creativity—and fame!—from January 4 until February 13. This can draw you out of your protective shell to unapologetically put yourself out there. Mars revs up your innovative side and has you feeling restless and eager to make things happen. Don’t sit around TALKING about your plans. Take a risk and try different approaches until you find your magic formula. 

When the Sun and Pluto move into Aquarius on January 20, buckle down and put things into a system or an organized workflow, whether that’s a Google spreadsheet, oversized calendar pages or a bunch of Post-Its strategically arranged on your wall. Your visionary ideas get a boost when disruptor Uranus ends a five-month retrograde in your expansive ninth house on January 27.

Love Days: 11, 14

Money Days: 21, 3

Luck Days: 19, 28

Off Days: 16, 25, 12

See All Signs


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