Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo Horoscope November 2023: Romantic Illusions – StyleCaster

Your Virgo horoscope for November 2023 brings lots of opportunities to socialize and get things done. The month kicks off with the sun, Mars, and your cosmic ruler Mercury all clustered together in your communication sector, making you sparkle with curiosity and charisma. However, thanks to the intensity of Scorpio season, emotions are also running strong—and you’ll have to sift through all the rose-colored BS in order to figure out what’s worth your time.

Love planet Venus is still gracing your sign with its beautifying presence until November 8, solidifying the energetic glow-up you’ve been undergoing for the past month. However, a Venusian opposition to dream-chaser Neptune could cloud your romantic judgment throughout the first week of November, making it easy to mistake puppy love for the real thing. Additionally, on November 4, serious planet Saturn wraps up its retrograde in your relationship-oriented seventh house. You’re learning tough lessons about love right now, Virgo, so put your pragmatism to good use and don’t fall for a fantasy!

By mid-month, the new moon in Scorpio on November 13 inspires deep conversations and gives you the initiative to share your inner truth—and you may be surprised by the ideas and revelations that emerge. This shift in perspective might change the way you choose to push forward on a current plan, so let things simmer for a few days before making any big moves. The waxing moon energy combined with the Mars cazimi on November 18 will help to cosmically support your goals.

StyleCaster | Zodiac Signs Who Will Have the Best Weekly Horoscope
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Things slow down a bit during the last third of the month, as the sun and Mars will be joining mental Mercury in your domestic fourth house. You may feel more motivated to take care of family matters now, or finally work up the courage to have some open-hearted conversations with a live-in partner or roommate. The full moon in Gemini on November 27 will highlight the ways in which your home life is reflected in your professional successes. Your career will flourish once you’ve got a solid foundation beneath your feet.

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