Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo Horoscope December 2023: Read Your Monthly Predictions

On this same date, Tuesday, December 12, there’s a new moon in brave Sagittarius, which is an ideal lunation to focus on implementing new habits. Because this dark new moon falls in your 4th House of Home and Family, you’re asked to focus your energy on better handling your home life, including the people who feel at home.

You want to put effort into these star assignments catering to your home life. Once the sun enters Capricorn, kicking off that busy and bustling time of year on Thursday, December 21, soon getting ahead at work, professional accolades, and, with the caveat that horoscopes are up against our economy, hopefully, money. Many Virgos reading are obligated to spend the holidays traveling or visiting loved ones. Sleep and make merry as much as you can. After New Year’s, whether it’s your band getting booked or a promotion, your schedule gets busy.

If you haven’t yet set aside a date to connect with those you love, the stars align to make this full moon magical.

However, December’s horoscope doesn’t end without gifting you a few nights just begging to be celebrated. The first is the glowing full moon in sweet Cancer, illuminating your 11th House of Friendship on Tuesday, December 26. The holidays can be stressful and time-consuming. If you haven’t yet set aside a date to connect with those you love, the stars align to make this full moon magical. Then, on Friday, December 29, loving Venus enters merry Sagittarius and your 4th House of Home and Family (blood or chosen) spending the cheer within your inner circle. Consider a calm night of affordable gift-giving, karaoke, or potluck. Ideally, opt for a celebration that invokes a (positive) emotional response, darling Virgo, in the name of showing up for your emotions. You’ve got this, and we’ll see you next year.

Important dates in December 2023:

Monday, December 2: Venus enters Scorpio
Wednesday, December 6: Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Tuesday, December 12: New moon in Sagittarius
Tuesday, December 12: Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn
Tuesday, December 26: Full moon in Cancer
Friday, December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius
Saturday, December 30: Jupiter goes direct in Taurus

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of December 2023 horoscopes.

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