Tarot cards

The Weekly Tarot Horoscope For September 4 -10, 2023

September is in full swing, and we’re now in the flow of things, just beginning to feel what this month means. We have a good idea of what Autumn will be like because our schedules are starting to take shape. For many of us, this gives us the idea that we’re in control … at least to a certain degree.

We may not have had a wild and crazy summer, but at least we know that the latter months of the year have a sort of structure to them. Even if we did have a noteworthy and memorably WILD summer, we can look forward to weeks like this one, September 4 -10, 2023.

The tarot cards seem to show us a ‘business as usual’ perspective, but what is ‘business’ in this case? Are we just starting a new job, getting into a new relationship and learning to play the game? Are we just starting a new semester in education, or are we figuring out what to do with ourselves now that we’re beginning our retirement? No matter who we are, this week, September 4 -10, 2023, shows us that, one way or another, a new beginning is presently taking place. We are there for it … and we like it.

We are looking at how we deal with the present. We’re not crying over the past or regretting what’s happened. We’re not fearful of the future, nor are we dwelling on it, as it hasn’t become our reality as of yet. Here are the readings for each zodiac sign the week of September 4 – 10.

Weekly tarot horoscope for all zodiac signs September 4 – 10, 2023:

Aries: The Fool, reversed

Keywords for the week: willful ignorance, neglect, carefree

Here, we have a tarot card that shows you that you aren’t quite ready to take things as seriously as you thought you might want to during the week of September 4 -10, 2023. You like to give advice and talk a mean streak about what you believe is right and wrong, but this week, this tarot reading shows that you’re not interested in backing up your ‘big talk.’ You would rather relax and not take anything too seriously, and really, who could blame you, Aries?

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