Tarot cards

Taurus Tarot Horoscopes: September 2023

What does 2023 look like for you, dear Taurus? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—are here to help you find your highest vibrational self. Remind yourself that energetic change is good—it’s simply asking for you to grow and ascend into a new chapter of your life. Tarot horoscopes simply show the easiest path toward that growth.

So read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Taurus. And if you’d like more guidance in the year ahead, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

September 2023

Ten of Swords: Taurus, there’s something about seeing the Ten of Swords that usually strikes fear in people—but for you, this is a huge moment of victory. It seems you are closing a long, drawn-out chapter of pain and confusion, and the lessons you take forward with you will be extremely valuable. Just make sure that you’re looking with fresh eyes and a trusting heart at the chapter ahead. You’re not meant to bring the things (and people) forward that you are choosing to leave behind. So try to remove yourself from negativity, gossip, and judgment, as those will keep old wounds open. Remember, bitterness is a poison that only plagues the person who drinks it. So regardless of who you are feeling obsession or ill-will toward, they’ll not suffer the way you do by focusing on them. Let go fully if you’re choosing to let go at all.

On the other side of releasing your past, you may find that there are many interests and hobbies that you’ve been ignoring in the name of hyperfixating on others. Try to use your hands, your mind, and your heart this month. Crocheting, pottery, painting, and writing are all great pastimes to fill up that newly cleared-out space in your heart. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with how well you feel when you start to live from a space of forgiveness and kindness.

August 2023

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The World: Taurus, just when things were starting to feel a little bleak and confusing, it seems the universe has decided you’re ready for a well-deserved upgrade. After acknowledging where you need to grow and transform, August will give you the opportunity to do so. And with Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion) in your sign and the World card popping up for you, this month might feel like a 180-degree shift in the right direction.

I see the potential for your career and finances to get a positive upgrade, but it seems spirit wants you to take some accountability for where you’re currently at first. Setting up a budget, tucking some money away into savings, and cutting back on excessive spending are all great starts, but understand that there is more to this pivot point. Your spirit team wants you to recognize the “why” behind your financial habits and asks if there is anything inside of you that feels empty or broken that these habits might be trying to fill. If so, this month is a great opportunity for you to get dedicated to your long-term goals in order to better set yourself up for success, financially and beyond.

July 2023

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Nine of Pentacles: Taurus, this month is going to be one of rewards for your past investments in yourself and your life. If you’ve felt as if you’re spinning your wheels for nothing, July provides an opportunity for that narrative to change. I see you getting the recognition you deserve from the right places and people, with the rest of the summer following suit.

So don’t be surprised if you find yourself to be booked and busy, especially around the time of the new moon in Cancer on July 17, which is lighting up your third house of community and friendships. It’s a good time to connect with like-minded people who can take your life from 0 to 100 in all ways. I see projects from your past having a resurgence as well, so please try to keep up the momentum on your goals. If you give up now, you might be stopping just before it all comes together for you. Stay focused and keep walking the path of your highest self. Because July has the potential to show you what all of that hard work was for.

June 2023

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Ten of Cups: Taurus, it seems you might finally be in a place where you can find peace of mind this month. Have you broken the chains of unnecessary worry and despair, and started to find solace in your own company? Have you have solved the riddle between isolation and solitude and learned it exists right here in this present moment? Instead of thinking there’s always something better on the other side of the fence, it seems you’ve looked down and realized that the grassy patch you’re perched in is actually pretty lush and cozy.

So I encourage you to take time this month to indulge in quiet time at home, in your own company, completely unplugged, and without any distractions. Maybe even consider doing a dopamine detox. That means taking somewhere between 3 and 10 days without your phone, social media, television, or any sort of media in order to find your way back to a regulated state. My suggestion would be to throw on a cozy robe, light your favorite candle, and cozy up with a good book. You’ll start to realize how much of your fretting was simply from an excessively stimulated brain. Without the constant crashes and pings from outside sources, life can actually seem pretty peaceful and fulfilled. I hope you’ll use June to recalibrate and reconsider just how good life can be (and is).

May 2023

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Four of Swords: Taurus, what a way to welcome in the month of May! It seems you may be blessed financially and with new opportunities for work, projects, promotions, and more this month. For some of you, this will be through recognition for your work. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something you did a while back and forgot about. This is especially possible with the Mercury retrograde happening in your sign of Taurus until it stations direct on May 14. Just try not to let the hiccups and disruptions of life get in the way of your enjoying all of the beautiful things around you.

Some of you are also stepping into a chapter of confidence and newfound self-worth after becoming accountable and aware of your own self-sabotaging habits. If you find it routine to put yourself down or play down your accomplishments, this is your sign to let that go in May! Once you start to celebrate yourself, you’ll find that others will want to follow suit. So post about your good news, call a friend to share, or go old-school and shout it from the rooftops. However you want to celebrate, this is your month to shine. If you allow yourself to take center stage, I see it paying off. So it wouldn’t hurt during your birthday season to let everyone know what zodiac team you’re repping either. (I like this fun T-shirt, or buy yourself something from our Taurus gift guide.) You may even strike up the right conversation with a like-minded fellow bull.

April 2023

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Four of Swords: Taurus, you have to understand that rest and relaxation are key to your process in order to grow. It’s so much harder to reach the high heights you have in mind for your future if you don’t allow yourself to sit the bench sometimes. Gift yourself some downtime; otherwise you’ll further affirm to your subconscious that you are only worthy and lovable when you’re busy, which then calls in more opportunities and relationships that mirror that belief. If you want to break the cycle, consider this: Stop giving and doing so much! You may feel that this is counterintuitive advice, but your higher self may find that allowing yourself to enjoy rest will help heal your fears and limiting beliefs.

If you have any changes to your appearance planned this month—new hair, cosmetic procedures, wardrobe changes—make sure you are doing them for you and no one else. Actually, I’d consider making sure you are working on your inner self-confidence before you do anything drastic externally. Why? The energy of April is one of introspection, slowing down, and spending time in solitude to finally break the curses of our pasts that may have held us back from true contentment. The good news: I see a new beginning is here, Taurus.

March 2023

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Ace of Pentacles: Taurus, I see the month of March potentially being jam-packed with financial opportunities for you, but you are going to have to use your discernment on what and who you are saying yes to by remembering money is not the only asset you have. Your time and energy are valuable, nonregenerative assets as well. Say no to something that is 80% of what you are asking for, and in due time something might arrive that exceeds your expectations.

Patience is not only a virtue but a great tool for manifesting what you desire. If you can show the universe that you’re willing to wait for the right blessings, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by the end of the month with just how good life can get. In the moments where you are fearful due to money, love and attention, or work opportunities being scarce, try to meet that fear with something joyful. Instead of applying to 100 new jobs or swiping on a dating app, what if you took yourself on a long walk and studied that new language you’ve been planning to learn along the way? This small action shows the universe that you are able to weather discomfort with trust. When you trust the process, you will be met with blessings. Don’t be surprised if you get an email filled with good news within that same week.

February 2023

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The Fool: Taurus, this month is going to ask you to consider taking a leap of faith and finally go after the life that you desire in a big way. If you’re on the fence about whether or not you are qualified enough, smart enough, or valuable enough, let me give you the short answer: You are. This is not the time to stagnate, as the energy of February will require you to take steps forward. Be willing to fall, trip, and embarrass yourself along the way while still keeping that beautiful smile aglow. Your life path isn’t meant to be perfect, and you’ll benefit from letting go of judgment about yourself and those around you.

However, I want to remind you that saying yes to just about anyone and everyone does not constitute forward movement. In fact, saying yes too much is how you will waste your precious time. Use discernment, be willing to stick up for yourself, and let the world know that you are ready for the right opportunities…and the right opportunities only!

January 2023

The Chariot: Dear Taurus, 2022 was full of ups and downs, and it seems as though you’re still reeling with something that may have ended last year on a sour note. I am here to remind you that you’re not simply stubborn, my bulls. Those horns and your headstrong nature are there to help you through adversity and bring you into greener pastures. Use all of your force and will this month to position yourself somewhere new and vibrant and start 2023 off on the right foot…or hoof.

If you are stressed, unhappy, or generally dissatisfied with a large aspect of your life, now is the time to start your game plan for going in a new direction. You may even decide to take a break from said experience (relationship, job, living situation). Use the powerful new moon on the 21st in fellow fixed sign Aquarius to heighten your desires and bring life to them. Even a small action step in that direction is going to completely change the trajectory of where your life is headed this year.

Originally Appeared on Glamour

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