Tarot cards

Tarot’s Jacob Batalon Tells Us About The Sneaky Spider-Man Photo He Took On Set, And The Warning Zendaya Gave Him As A Result

If ever there was a law that needed to be upheld at all times in the world of upcoming Marvel movies, it’d be the code of secrecy. Two prime examples of movies that needed to abide by that code are, of course, Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: No Way Home. And yet, both of those movies technically saw a breach of those rules of play.

For the former, Chris Pratt took a “super illegal” video of the Endgame set that showed off several of his co-stars standing on the set for the battle against Thanos. But in the case of Spider-Man’s epic trilogy finale, it was Tarot star Jacob Batalon who broke the rules, and he got a polite warning from Zendaya as a result.

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