Tarot cards

Tarot – Plugged In

Movie Review

Spending a weekend away to celebrate Elise’s birthday seemed like a pretty great idea, everybody in the group of seven twentysomething friends readily agrees.

Sure, it’s a bit awkward for Haley and Grant, since it inevitably comes out that they just broke up. But all in all, there’s still lots of boozing, romping and laughing to be done in an isolated B&B somewhere in the Catskills. So, it’s all good, they think.

However, when the beer runs out during a campfire drinking game, the gang is kinda at a loss. They’re out in the middle of nowhere, and driving to get more alcohol would take up too much of their last night together.

So, they decide to really scour the big-old estate they’re renting in search of something drinkable. There’s gotta be some kind of booze stashed in some room, pantry or cubby hole, right? And one locked door appears promising. So, they break it open.

Instead of a booze stash, however, they find a basement packed with old astrology and occult collectables. Thereafter, the need for another intoxicant is quickly forgotten. This junk promises to give them a different kind of buzz.

When Haley finds an ancient box holding an incredibly creepy set of hand-painted Tarot cards, the evenings’ activity is settled. It just so happens that Haley has done lots of Tarot readings in the past. So the gang gathers ‘round, and they jump right in.

Haley is quite skilled at the task before her. The crackling fireplace atmosphere is perfect. And the cards, oh my word, those creepy looking cards add just the right chill to the proceedings.

The High Priestess, the Magician, the Devil, Death: All of those key characters look like they could step right off the cards and into your nightmares. And they weave wonderfully into Haley’s readings, capping the weekend celebration with a last night ghoulish flourish.

The gang gets up the next morning without a care in the world. They pack their bags, jump in their cars and set off for the trip home.

But you know what they say about Tarot readings? Everything is open to interpretation. The dealt-out cards can have different meanings. The Death card, for instance, can mean “a new beginning” in some cases.

In this case, though, Death means death.

And all those other characters cards … follow suit.

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