Tarot cards

Tarot Card Readings for Each Zodiac Sign: May 2024

Your Tarot Card Reading for May 2024 Says Your Luck Is About to Change

Your Tarot Card Reading for May 2024 Says Your Luck Is About to Change

A new month is upon us and your 2024 May Tarot card reading and horoscope wants each zodiac sign to start planting seeds that will eventually bloom into something powerful. There are plenty of exciting new beginnings in store this month, and even if difficulties lie ahead, it’s paving the way for something wonderful.

After April’s Mercury retrograde and eclipse season double feature, the astrology of May will make all that hardship and frustration feel worth it. The month begins with both love planet Venus and powerhouse Mars in strong positions, as Venus will be in Taurus and Mars will be in Aries. These are the zodiac signs that allow Venus and Mars to do their best work, bringing gorgeous improvements to your love life and your career. Plus, Venus will join forces with revolutionary Uranus on May 18 and extravagant Jupiter on May 23, encouraging you to follow your heart and embrace unexpected relationship developments. Make no mistake—there’s plenty of love to go around this month.

The most exciting moment of this month arrives on May 25, when Jupiter leaves behind sturdy Taurus and enters information-obsessed Gemini. Because Jupiter is planet of growth and abundance, this is bound to tap into your desire to attain more knowledge and dissect the facts. However, you may be prone to analysis paralysis, as Jupiter is technically in detriment when in Gemini. This is due to the fact that Gemini focus on the details and minutiae while Jupiter would rather focus on the big picture, but striking a balance between both will help you get the most out of this transit. Oh, and if your sun, moon, or rising is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, this shift will bring life-changing blessings.

Your May 2024 Tarot Card Reading for Each Zodiac Sign

By the time May is over, you could be in the process of building toward new goals and strengthening new relationships. And because there’s no way of knowing how everything look on the other side, your monthly Tarot horoscope will at least be one major clue. Here’s what the main theme of your May 2024 story is looking like, according to a Tarot card pull for your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign:

Aries: 3 of Pentacles

Aries: 3 of Pentacles

Aries: 3 of Pentacles

The world is whispering about your skills, and this month, you’re experiencing a breakthrough in your craft. You may experience this breakthrough as you’re collaborating with others, so mingle with your contemporaries and ask the right people for a helping hand. If you put your heads together, you’ll discover how your weaknesses are their strengths, and vice versa. You’ll see new pathways to achieve what you want, prompting you to put your heads together and strategize. Don’t be afraid to point out what is and is not working. Take your ego out of the constructive criticism. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Taurus: The Hierophant

Taurus: The Hierophant

Taurus: The Hierophant

This month, you’re spending a lot of time rethinking the traditions, beliefs, and customs you live by. You may be returning to your place of worship or discovering your own understanding of spiritual work. Tap in to what really matters to you, because the Heirophant is actually ruled by Taurus, as the Heirophant represents your deepest values. You’re a loyal and committed zodiac sign and abiding by your moral code is of high importance to you. Reach out to an elder or a mentor and listen to their wisdom, as a meaningful picture is about to click into place. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Gemini: The Hanged Man

Gemini: The Hanged Man

Gemini: The Hanged Man

You may feel as though you’re sitting in stasis this month, as though you’re sitting in a waiting room between one adventure and the next. Feelings of restlessness may arise, but the truth is, you know you’ve done all you can. You’ve accepted that something can’t work out or that a situation has run its course. Now you’re biding your time, patiently dreaming about what the future can look like while making your peace with what you couldn’t go back in time and change. You’ve been holding on so tight, but now, you should give yourself permission to let go. Breathe in a sigh of relief. It’s over. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Cancer: 4 of Pentacles

Cancer: 4 of Pentacles

Cancer: 4 of Pentacles

Your fear of loss or abandonment may kick in at various points of this month, but you may also be stretching yourself thin to make sure you don’t lose control of the situation. You may feel like there aren’t enough fish in the sea or your options are limited, causing you to defend what you’re so afraid of losing. Whether this possessiveness is rising in your finances or your relationships, your scarcity mindset may be holding you back more than it is protecting you. It’s important to know your limits, but limiting yourself to so little will only cause you to forget your confidence. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Leo: 3 of Swords

Leo: 3 of Swords

Leo: 3 of Swords

Words can elevate you or tear you down, but this month, someone’s words could break your heart. You could be parting ways with someone or feel insulted by them, and this exchange could even cause a separation. You may feel weighed down by rejection or disappointment, so don’t try to avoid the pain, but go right through it. One thing to keep in mind is that words don’t always contain the truth, nor are they considered fact (not even by the people who are saying them). Don’t allow one conversation to dictate your self-worth, because you know yourself better than that. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Virgo: Ace of Wands

Virgo: Ace of Wands

Virgo: Ace of Wands

Do you feel that? That intense and overwhelming feeling of being on the brink of something brilliant? That’s the sensation of inspiration, and this month, it’s coursing through your veins. Prepare for plenty of lightbulb moments in which genius strikes and you feel energized on nothing but passion. However, if this flame is going to turn into something real, you need to keep it alive. Nurture and explore this newfound source of inspiration, because fires can burn out just as quickly as they spark to life. Take action now and the world will be yours. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Libra: 8 of Wands

Libra: 8 of Wands

Libra: 8 of Wands

If you’ve been battling a storm and going against the grain, you can finally catch your breath. You’ve found your groove, and now, everything is coming together and gaining momentum. All that extra labor and all those late nights are finally worth it, because you’ve done more than enough to prove that you’d do anything to succeed. Now that your plans are in place, more opportunities to grow will arrive. Don’t be afraid to aim higher than you thought you were capable of, because you’re in a new level now. You’ve proven that you’re ready to learn and share your knowledge. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Scorpio: 8 of Cups

Scorpio: 8 of Cups

Scorpio: 8 of Cups

You’ve finally reached your limit, and this month, you’ll be taking steps to remove yourself from an expired situation. Whether you’ve gotten the courage to quit that job you hate or you’re finally ready to leave that dead-end relationship, this change comes with its own sorrow, but you’re ultimately feeling excited about what comes next. If you have yet to say goodbye and take action toward leaving, you’re in the process of accepting the inevitable, planning out the blueprints for your departure. This month, you’re setting yourself free once and for all. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Sagittarius: The Tower

Sagittarius: The Tower

Sagittarius: The Tower

Lightning will strike your life when you least expect it, causing longstanding structures to crumble at a moment’s notice. These are the moments where everything changes; when the ground quakes from beneath you with no apparent explanation. However, sometimes these random and inexplicable calamities can pave the way for inspiration and instant transformations, forcing you to unburden yourself from everything you once carries. When you no longer have to carry the weight of attachment, you feel free enough to make anything happen. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

Capricorn: 4 of Swords

Capricorn: 4 of Swords

Capricorn: 4 of Swords

You’ve taken a mental beating recently, and this month, you’re ready to take a load off. You’ve struggled to communicate and overcome complicated issues, and before you can regain your strength, you need to rest. Whether you were victorious or not, you need to process what just happened and prepare for the next challenge that comes next. Take pride in what you did right and learn from what you did wrong. Then, let it all go. Clear away your mind until it becomes a blank canvas. You’ll know in your heart when it’s time to try again. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

Aquarius: 3 of Wands

Aquarius: 3 of Wands

Aquarius: 3 of Wands

There’s a reason people do a happy dance when they’ve finally succeeded. And this month, you’re bound to succeed, and it will all be because of your hard work. It mat be tempting to strike while the iron is hot, but it’s important to take a break and celebrate your triumph. All work and no play leads to resentment at best and full-blown burnout at worst. It’s the celebration that inspires you to return to your desk. Buy to something sweet with your hard-earned cash or treat yourself to some indulgence. Why else would you be working so hard in the first place? Read your full monthly horoscope here.

Pisces: 9 of Wands

Pisces: 9 of Wands

Pisces: 9 of Wands

The truth is, life is never perfect. There’s always something can go wrong, even when you do everything to prevent it. You can’t keep postponing your happiness until you break some imaginary record, because life is here right now. It’s happening right before your very eyes, and all you can do is persist. All you can do is remain resilient, knowing a better day is always on the horizon, but there will be worse days too. Even if you feel fatigued this month, know that you’re this close to a breakthrough. Giving up now would only make it harder to get back up. Accept that it’s not perfect, but at least you didn’t quit. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

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