Tarot cards

Tarot Card of the Year 2024: Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Another year is about to begin, offering us new opportunities, fresh starts, and the ability to create whatever story we desire in the next 365 days. And all of that is far easier to do when we gain a new perspective by checking in with the cosmos for guidance. One of the ways we can do this is by looking at the Universal Tarot Card of the Year.

Yes, every year has a corresponding Universal Tarot Card. This tarot card offers insight into the collective energy impacting everyone during the next year: the archetypal themes that hold up mirrors to reflect karmic lessons, the abundance of opportunities that await, and the challenges that have a likely potential to come up. All of this information is so valuable because we can use it to enhance our plans and go with the flow.

What is the Universal Tarot Card of the Year for 2024?

The Universal Tarot card ties into numerology and is calculated by breaking down the year into single digits before adding them all together to find our universal number:

2024: 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8

Card number 8 of the tarot’s Major Arcana is Strength, so the Universal Tarot Card of the Year for 2024 is Strength.

What does the Strength tarot card mean for 2024?

Strength is a card not of brute force or physical strength, but of the inner strength we possess to face and overcome any challenges. Traditionally, the Strength card was known as Fortitude, a nod to the emotional power we cultivate during times of adversity. After all, it is in our darkest hours that we discover how strong we truly are. Because of this, a Strength year brings us back to ourselves and our inner power. 2024 is a year to show ourselves kindness, compassion, patience, and understanding.

Explore vulnerability in yourself as well as your relationships, and don’t be afraid to bring the walls down. True strength doesn’t force situations into something they’re not meant to be, even when you may be feeling frustrated. Instead, it indicates a lesson in self-control, like by remembering to respond from a place of centered peace rather than emotionally reacting. 2024 to pause and take a deep breath in order to remain calm under pressure, to reflect and consider before making a move, and to follow your own inner wisdom even when the going gets tough. Strength is the key to finding your never ending source of personal strength to progress on your personal journey.

Strength provides an invitation to welcome your inner wildness and our animal instincts. There is no need to tame yourself, my darling, because we are all multidimensional beings who contain multitudes of emotions and none of them are good or bad: They just exist. What do you do with all of these emotions and what can you learn from them? Are there habits that need to change to bring you to a healthier place? Do you need to invoke a little more self-discipline? Or maybe you just need to forgive yourself for just being human! This year has the potential to present opportunities to go within and explore the places of fear, pain, anger, doubt, or whatever feels uncomfortable to look at and incorporate all and face it all with compassion, kindness, and acceptance.

How can I work with the Strength tarot card in 2024?

The themes of the Strength card show that 2024 is a time to lean into your lust for life and enjoy every moment fully! Where can you lean more into temptation, and where must you show restraint? Are you allowing yourself to be who you really are, or are you suppressing your true self to fit into some supposedly perfect ideal to meet others’ expectations? Are you doing what you truly desire, or what you think you should do because society (or family or friends or whoever) dictates so? Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s impractical to live life guided by your passions—it’s actually quite courageous to get out of your comfort zone and live life on your own terms!

This could be your year to quit that day job that’s slowly killing your soul in favor of pursuing your passions. It could mean sharing the parts of yourself that you keep hidden away in fear of judgment. Or it could be simply call you to choose to do what makes YOU happy, free of others criticisms’ and comments. Whatever changes you’re making, it won’t be rash or overnight, because Strength reminds us to be patient. 2024 could be a real game-changer year for you, so be bold and completely fearless! Now is the time to be more yourself than ever before.

Whatever it is that comes up for you in this year ahead, the energy of the Strength card is here to remind you of your immense courage, your unwavering patience, and your vast inner fortitude. Strength is telling you, “You’ve got this!”

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Headshot of Sarah Potter

Sarah Potter is a professional witch, Tarot Reader and practitioner of Color Magic, a means of using specific hues of the rainbow to conjure different energies and manifest personal transformation. Working with both private and corporate clients, Sarah has shared the magic of color and Tarot with thousands of clients over the years to promote self-empowerment, problem solving, and amplified intuitive skills through lectures, workshops, retreats, and one on one services.

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