
Reggae singer Romain Virgo is ‘The Gentle Man’ | Entertainment

In a time of Earth’s history where the equality of the sexes rules supreme, “cruffs” are embraced, bullyism is pervasive and that thing called gentility is all but through the window, reggae singer Romain Virgo is taking a stand and…

Tarot cards

Woman who reads tarot cards for entertainment get a visit by police

“I feel like I’m being singled out and targeted when this is such a small percentage of what we do here.” Source link

Awesome Pittsburgh shops, services, and spiritual practitioners with the magick touch | Arts + Entertainment | Pittsburgh

click to enlarge Intuitives, psychics, clairvoyants, witches. They invoke various labels and possess a multitude of talents, and in Pittsburgh, they’re everywhere. Whether you’re looking for a tarot reading, potion, or something new to believe in, Pittsburgh has an eclectic…