Tarot cards

‘Read the Room’: Tarot reader blends comedy for new show | Arts & Events

Professional tarot card reader Jovana Illa knows her job can be a little heavy.

Blending it with comedy was the perfect antidote. The second Friday of each month she’s hosting “Read the Room” at The Crow in Bergamot Station Arts Center in Santa Monica. Illa is the resident reader, but the comedian changes each month.

“I get excited that I get to do something that I love and it’s fun,” Illa said. “I love to help people and I love to channel the messages. And I love that the comedian brings a whole new element to it. It almost dissipates the heaviness.”

Illa credits Nicole Blaine, The Crow’s owner and founder, for the idea for the show. Illa was hired to perform during The Crow’s anniversary party, and, during her gig, comedians asked for readings. The comedians brought a levity to her answers.

“We all had such a good time, I mean imagine a room full of comics, right?” Illa said. “I did that, and it was such a hit, everybody loved it. So, Nicole said, ‘I have to bring her back’ and she crafted the way we do it now.”

The show started in July and, Illa said, it has been well received and successful, according to attendees. The audience should expect real answers that are accurate and truthful yet compassionate, with peers cheering them on.

“It’s really important for me to provide a service to help people,” she said. “Meanwhile, we’re optimizing it with the comedians to make it something that’s palatable and digestible. Everybody loves it and they’re really entertained.”

Illa looks forward to continuing these shows as well as working with a variety of comedians, who bring a new perspective and chemistry to the stage. She’s hoping to attract a community of regulars.

“Be prepared to be amazed and entertained and understand a little bit more about tarot,” Illa said.

“It’s something that you’ve never experienced unless you’ve been there. All the comedians we’ve worked with have been great and I’m just super, super grateful and blessed.”

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