Tarot cards

Predictions for zodiacs from Dec 4–10, 2023

We cannot change our destiny, but we can refocus and redirect the paths of our life. With our 2023 weekly horoscope’s guidance, we can bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to a situation. The 78 Rider Waite Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards. The pictures on the cards represent different parts of life and show what the future holds. The mystic and clairvoyant with their expertise read the cards and foretell what the future holds. Cosmic energies affect everyone differently, and being able to interpret their effect through these cards is a specialised job done by an occultist. Read on to know the December weekly horoscope from 4 December – 10 December, 2023.

Tarot is an intuitive practice with no set rules and that is why a card can have numerous meanings and interpretations depending on the energies at play at that moment and the expertise of the occultist to read and express them.

Read on to see what divine message the cards hold for each zodiac in our weekly horoscope for December 2023. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face this week.

Horoscope 2023: Weekly prediction for December 4 – December 10

Aries weekly horoscope

Weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Chariot is the tarot card for Aries sun sign natives this week. This is a positive card indicating fulfilment of ambitions. With hard work you will be able to achieve almost everything. Businesses are all set to prosper and you will move ahead at a fast pace. You might have to work harder for the financial stability you strive for. You will get good returns on your past investments and enjoy your money.

Health: Four of Pentacles Reversed card indicates good physical and mental well-being. You will be relaxed and full of energy, but to stay so you need to keep working towards it.

Relationships: King of Cups Reversed is the tarot card for this week for relationships. This card indicates dominance by partner causing an imbalance in the relationship. For harmony and peace, you need to respect each other and support each other. Family might be a little exasperated with your nit picking. Maintain a healthy distance amongst the members.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The World Reversed card indicates dissatisfaction at work in spite of professional achievements and success. You might feel your potential is not utilised to the fullest and you have not met your career objectives. Before changing your job of business prospects, think carefully. Finances will be good but you will have to mind your expenses this month.

Health: The Magician is the health tarot cart indicating good physical health.  You will feel active and full of energy. This card indicates it is in your hands to keep yourself healthy.

Relationships: Page of Wands Reversed indicates a dull and boring time with your partner. You need to make amends and spice up your relationship. Ignite the spark to run the motor of your relationship this week. Familial bonds will be average.

Gemini weekly horoscope

September 2022 horoscope

Career and Finance: Two of Pentacles Reversed card indicates disorganisation and chaos. You need to bite what you can chew comfortably. Over commitment leads to failure. Business natives need to focus more on quality rather than quantity. The advice is to move slowly in an organised way rather go for short term gains. Some losses are also indicated.

Health: Ace of Sword Reversed is your health card showing some health-related issues might crop up. It can also indicate surgery. You need to relax and stay calm.

Relationships: Temperance Reversed indicates that an imbalance in your relationship is causing friction and discord. You need to give importance to your partner’s likes and dislikes and value their opinion. Find amicable solutions together. Give respect and love to the family members.

Cancer weekly horoscope

weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups indicates distractions relating to your work. You might be having   lots of things which need your attention, but you need to streamline and prioritise your schedules. Business natives should remember that all that glitters is not gold. Be judicious, organised, and focused. Finances will be good.

Health: Knight of Swords Reversed is the health card suggesting some mental health problems. The advice is to keep yourself positively occupied and not dwell on small issues. Adapt a healthy exercising regime and focus on healthy eating. Try to meditate and manifest peace and calm in your life.

Relationships: Magician is the relationship card. This card is likely to work magic in your relationships. Your relationships will grow and become strong. A good mental and physical bonding and bonhomie with your mate is indicated. Family will be happy and satisfied with the attention and time.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo 2022 horoscope

Career and Finance: Five of Pentacles generally indicates loss. You need to be vigilant towards your profession. Things are likely not to go as per your anticipation and upset your stability. It can mean loss of honour at times. The advice is to be extremely careful this week. Postpone any important decisions at work and have a positive attitude. Businesspeople need to guard themselves against financial losses. Finances will be average this week.

Health: Eight of Cups indicates lethargy and lack of interest to work towards your health goals. Nothing in this world comes without effort. Work towards maintaining and improving your health.

Relationships: The Lovers Reversed indicates strife in relationship among couples. You might have grown apart, but this card indicates you are compatible sex partners and that is half the battle won. Work towards making your understanding better. You might be having some communication gap with family members causing misunderstanding.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo zodiac sign

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands indicates new positive professional beginnings. A new role in the present organisation or a new job of your liking is foretold. Businesspeople will get new opportunities to expand with new projects coming their way. Finances are set to increase considerably.

Health: Seven of Cups indicates your neglect towards health. You might be too tied up with your commitments towards work and family but take out time not only to exercise but also for relaxation.

Relationships: King of Swords indicates a very regimented and regulated life. Try to loosen up and add spice to life. Although this card shows stability in a relationship, it indicates dominance and boredom. Try to improve your sex life. Your relationship with family will be average.

Libra weekly horoscope


Career and Finance: Queen of Pentacles indicates good professional achievements and a good balance. You might have your hands full with work but you always manage to find time for loved ones and also self-care. Growth and work satisfaction are indicated this week. Finances will be good and you will make wise investments and enjoy your success.

Health: The Empress is the health card indicating robust health and vitality. It is a good card for fertility and childbirth. If wanting to conceive, this is one of the best cards to get.

Relationships: Three of Swords is indicative of a dysfunctional relationship. Change your attitude, discard your ego, improve your behaviour and make an effort towards a happier sex life. If the pain of togetherness is more than the conviviality in the relationship, a lot of effort will be required from both the partners to get your relationship on track again. Family might be unhappy and distant.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Pentacles indicates your ardent dedication towards your profession. Your abilities and intelligence will win you many accolades and your performance will be rewarded. The only thing lacking is consistency and you need to focus there. Business natives will be implementing new ideas and will excel in creativity reaping good profits. Your efforts will yield rich dividends financially.

Health: Ten of Cups Reversed indicates unexpected health problems. A visit to the doctor and a health check-up is recommended for you. Be careful and alert with your health.

Relationships: Two of Pentacles Reversed indicates you are struggling to maintain a healthy balance in your relationship. Time and effort are required for a relationship to grow. Familial bonds will be good, and the family members will understand and respect your commitments.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Wands Reversed indicates your relationships at work. Your colleagues are causing a lot of stress, disharmony at the workplace. Businesspeople might be upset with the non-performance of their colleagues, and this might lead to cancellation of the project/order. Financially you might be burdened with over expenses.

Health: Queen of Cups Reversed suggests that you need to address your emotional health. You need to take charge and not let small things upset you. Try not to blow things out of proportion and think before you react.

Relationships: The Emperor is your relationship card indicating stability and discipline in a relationship. It can be stifling at times to be in a regimented life. Let your guard down at times and display your emotions to the fullest. Family will be satisfied with your commitment towards them but fun and frolic with them will be appreciated.

Capricorn weekly horoscope


Career and Finance: Wheel of Fortune card suggests big opportunities and changes and you should be ready to accept them. Natives looking for a change will be in luck and might land up with their dream jobs. Businesspeople should be prepared to accept the changes coming their way with positivity and luck is all set to favour you. Finances will be good, but expenses are likely to escalate a lot.

Health: Eight of Pentacles Reversed suggests you need to work towards maintaining the well-being by putting in the right efforts in a balanced way.

Relationships: Two of Swords Reversed card suggests an emotional struggle. You might be anxious regarding certain issues and the advice is to address them frankly and openly. Do not be blind to the problems and instead of ignoring them, find solutions.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Eight of Swords Reversed indicates liberation. It could indicate you have found your comfort level at work or decided to move to a new job to fulfil your creative desires. Either way you will be happier at work. Businesspeople need to be prepared for changes and work towards implementing them.

Health: Nine of Pentacles is your health card, and this denotes excellent health. Any health goals you have set for yourself like body building or losing weight will be achieved.

Relationships: The Hierophant is your relationship card indicating commitment and stability in a relationship. You will enjoy harmony and peace on the domestic front. You will enjoy a good familial bond with all the family members.

Pisces weekly horoscope


Career and Finance: Seven of Pentacles indicates career growth. Good opportunities will come your way and you will be getting good remunerations. Businesspeople will annihilate all competition and will win good projects to work on. Finances will be good, and money will come from more than one source.

Health: Three of Cups is the health card indicating good health, but this card indicates overindulgence. You might be attending a lot of social gatherings and celebrations because of which you are neglecting your health goals, and the advice is to focus on your health.

Relationships: Page of Cups is the relationship card indicating you will be more emotional and passionate this week and your partner is going to love it. You will share a good bonding with your mate. You will have a good understanding with the family especially the youngsters.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

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