Tarot cards

Predictions for zodiacs from Dec 18 – 24


We cannot change our destiny, but we can refocus and redirect the paths of our life. With our 2023 weekly horoscope’s guidance, we can bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to a situation. The 78 Rider Waite Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards. The pictures on the cards represent different parts of life and show what the future holds. The mystic and clairvoyant with their expertise read the cards and foretell what the future holds. Cosmic energies affect everyone differently, and being able to interpret their effect through these cards is a specialised job done by an occultist. Read on to know the December horoscope for this week from 18 December – 24 December 2023 looks like.

Tarot is an intuitive practice with no set rules and that is why a card can have numerous meanings and interpretations depending on the energies at play at that moment and the expertise of the occultist to read and express them.

Read on to see what divine message the cards hold for each zodiac in our horoscope for December 2023 this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face this week.

Horoscope 2023: Weekly prediction for December 18 – December 24

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands Reversed shows that lots of hard work and dedication has been put in to achieve your goals. Some delays might be distressing and de-motivating, but you need to keep going as success is round the corner. Businesspeople might face some unnecessary and unexpected obstacles. Money might be slow to come but will definitely come.

Health: Five of Wands suggests a fight against ill health, nothing major though. Be regular and conscious of your health goals and work positively to overcome minor health issues.

Relationships: Four of Swords indicates moving forward in a relationship after a trying time. You need to put in effort to maintain domestic harmony. Treat this as a new beginning, bury the unpleasant recollections of the past if any and do not let them resurface. Do not hold any grudges against family members.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Swords indicates stress and anxiety relating to your career. The problems are there but you need to think of solutions. Finances might be a cause of concern. Working diligently towards the goal often gives good results.

Health: King of Wands is the health card for this week indicating good health. Do not lax in your health goals, keep following a good physical exercise regime, and maintain a balanced diet.

Relationships: The Fool is the relationship card for you this week. This card indicates an exciting care-free relationship. You need to nurture your relationship, according to December horoscope this week. Family will enjoy your light-heartedness and bonding.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hierophant card indicates success. Teamwork will make you achieve success and get good appreciation. Do not take risks and follow the conventional ways. Finances will be good but refrain from extra expenses.

Health: Eight of Wands Reversed indicates that you need to work towards maintaining your health. Exercising and healthy eating are a must for you.

Relationships: Temperance is the relationship card indicating harmony and an ideal camaraderie between partners. There is love, respect, and commitment in your relationship. Family will be very happy and satisfied with your care and attention.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer zodiac sign

Career and Finance: Page of Wands Reversed indicates discontent in your profession. You might not be doing what you actually wanted and this is creating dissatisfaction and affecting your productiveness. Businesspeople will be in the same boat. Financially, you will be okay but this card is indicative of losing money in risky investments, according to December horoscope this week.

Health: Page of Wands Reversed indicates a sedentary lifestyle leading to lethargy and low energy levels.

Relationships: Ten of Wands indicates that you are too involved in work and other responsibilities and not spending enough time with your partner. Ask your partner for help rather than taking all the responsibilities. Try to focus on the quality of time you spend with your mate and make it worthwhile.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Cup Reversed is the career and finance card for Leo sun sign natives this week indicating some dissatisfaction at work. Some obstacles and hindrances are indicated. Business natives might face upheavals. Finances will not be as expected. Prepare beforehand for extra financial overheads.

Health: Ace of Wands Reversed indicates the beginning of a health-related problem. Get a health check-up done and look after your health as much as you can. Be careful while driving and crossing the road.

Relationships: Three of Cups card indicates good harmony and family bonding. Couples will share a good bonhomie and some celebrations and good times in the family will get all the members closer.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Hanged Man indicates that your career has plateaued, and the inertia is making you restless. You might be unsure about your career path and the advice is to take a break. A sabbatical will rejuvenate you and clear your mind. Business natives might be confused as to which path to follow. Finances will not be as planned as some losses or unforeseen expenses are expected.

Health: King of Pentacles is the health card representing your well-being, according to December horoscope this week. You will feel very active and full of energy and vigour.

Relationships: King of Cups indicates maturity and stability in a relationship. That is the best you can give in a relation. It can also be a warning to be stable and not to overreact in any situation.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Wands indicates good career prospects for Libra sun sign natives. You need to put all your plans in action and you will achieve positive results. Businesspeople are likely to get good profits. An increase in finances is foretold for all Libra natives.

Health: Page of Swords suggests you will be energetic and enjoy good health, but you need to take precautions, according to the December horoscope this week.

Relationships: The Devil card indicates that you need to discard your ego and not hurt near and dear ones. Work on changing your attitude and be considerate towards other’s viewpoints.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The World Reversed indicates dissatisfaction at work despite professional achievements and success. You might feel your potential is not being utilised to the fullest and you have not met your career objectives. Finances will be good, but you will have to mind your expenses this month.

Health: The Magician is the health tarot cart indicating good physical health. You will feel active and full of energy.

Relationships: The Lovers Reversed indicates strife in relationship among couples. You might have grown apart, but this card indicates you are compatible sex partners and that is half the battle won. Work towards making your understanding better.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands indicates new positive professional beginnings. A new role in the present organisation or a new job of your liking is foretold. Businesspeople will get new opportunities to expand. Finances are set to increase considerably. This card often indicates a new source of income.

Health: December health horoscope for this week indicates some neglect towards health. The Seven of Cups card strongly advises you to make time for yourself and invest in healthy living.

Relationships: Three of Swords is indicative of a dysfunctional relationship. Change your attitude, discard your ego, improve your behaviour and make an effort towards a happier life. Family might be unhappy and distant. You need to introspect and be caring and loving towards your family members.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Knight of Pentacles indicates your ardent dedication towards your profession. Your abilities and intelligence will win you accolades, and your performance will be rewarded. The only thing lacking is consistency and you need to focus there. Business natives will be implementing new ideas and will excel. Financially, a lucrative week is indicated.

Health: Ace of Sword Reversed is your health card showing some health-related issues. You need to relax and stay calm.

Relationships: Two of Pentacles Reversed indicates that you are struggling to maintain a healthy balance in your relationship according to December horoscope this week. Time and effort are required for a relationship to grow and too much of neglect in a partnership might upset the cart. Familial bonds will be good.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius zodiac sign (December weekly horoscope)

Career and Finance: Queen of Pentacles indicates good professional achievements and a good balance. You might have your hands full with work but you always manage to find time for loved ones and also self-care. Growth and work satisfaction are indicated this week. Finances will be good.

Health: Ten of Cups Reversed indicates unexpected health problems. A hormonal imbalance is indicated which might need medical attention. A visit to the doctor and a health check-up is recommended for you.

Relationships: Three of Cups indicates a good week for love and romance. You will enjoy a good time with your partner. Some celebrations in the family are indicated which will make the bonhomie stronger.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces zodiac sign (December weekly horoscope)

Career and Finance: Seven of Cups indicates distractions relating to your work. You might be having a lot of things which need your attention. You need to streamline and prioritise your schedules. Business natives should remember all that glitters is not gold be judicious, organised, and focused. Finances will be good you might get a new opportunity to increase your financial standing.

Health: Knight of Swords Reversed is the health card suggesting some mental health problems. The advice is to keep yourself positively occupied and not to dwell on small issues. Adapt a healthy exercising regime and focus on healthy eating. Try to meditate and manifest peace and calm in your life.

Relationships: The Emperor is your relationship card indicating stability and discipline in a relationship. It can be stifling at times to be in a regimented life. Let your guard down sometime and be yourself. Family will be satisfied with your commitment towards them but fun and frolic with the members can make the family time memorable.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Veronika Malchevska/Pexels


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