Tarot cards

Predictions for zodiacs from Dec 11–17


We cannot change our destiny, but we can refocus and redirect the paths of our life. With our 2023 weekly horoscope’s guidance, we can bring clarity, honesty, and reassurance to a situation. The 78 Rider Waite Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards. The pictures on the cards represent different parts of life and show what the future holds. The mystic and clairvoyant with their expertise read the cards and foretell what the future holds. Cosmic energies affect everyone differently, and being able to interpret their effect through these cards is a specialised job done by an occultist. Read on to know the December weekly horoscope from 11 December – 17 December 2023.

Tarot is an intuitive practice with no set rules and that is why a card can have numerous meanings and interpretations depending on the energies at play at that moment and the expertise of the occultist to read and express them.

Read on to see what divine message the cards hold for each zodiac in our weekly horoscope for December 2023. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face this week.

Horoscope 2023: Weekly prediction for December 11 – December 17

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Four of Pentacles indicates good career prospects this week. You just might feel uncertain of your prospects and overly anxious of your performance. Concentrate on your work and focus on the present. Businesspeople will go through some ups and downs. Financially, you will be stable.

Health: Knight of Wands indicates good health. You will be energetic and full of beans. Your mental health will match your physical well-being. This does not mean you can slacken in any way. Healthy eating, exercising and good sleep is crucial to good health.

Relationships: Five of Wands Reversed is indicative of some stress and conflict in relationships. Communication can solve all problems. Be open and frank and that will not only clear the misunderstandings but also strengthen your bonds of love. With family, you need to spend more time and give them the security and strength they require.

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Nine of Pentacles Reversed card often indicates boredom and neglect of important issues at work. Stay focused and get more involved and committed at work. Businesspeople should not be lax at work. Financially, it indicates overspending and can also mean some added burden and responsibility.

Health: Seven of Pentacles Reversed card often indicates neglect towards health. You might have been busy at work and looking after your health has gone down in your priority list. Make all efforts to stay fit and healthy.

Relationships: The Moon is the relationship card foretelling miscommunication and insecurity. In some cases, it can denote cheating and infidelity. Do not harbour any grudges from the past, focus on the present, and focus on improving your relationship. With family, frankness and honesty are very important for an affable relationship.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: The Devil card indicates overload of work. Managing too many things together might make you lose focus from your goals and make you unhappy. The advice is to only bite what you can comfortable chew. Businesspeople need to be forewarned against over commitment. Finances will be average, avoid any kind of betting/gambling addictions you are likely to incur losses.

Health: Page of Swords indicates a status quo in your health status. Your health will be average but you need to take the right steps to maintain and look after your health.

Relationships: The High Priestess Reversed indicates stress in relationships. Your busy schedule might not permit you to spend enough time with your partner. Lack of time and decrease in libido might make your partner feel neglected. A frank and open communication is required. Familial bonds will be average, but family will understand and respect your commitments.

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer zodiac sign

Career and Finance: Eight of Swords indicates a regimented and routine work life. This is causing dissatisfaction at work, and you need to break the monotony. Take a break. A holiday will be a good idea to collect your thoughts and focus on what you want. Businesspeople need to be open to change. Financially, you are likely to be in a comfortable position.

Health: King of Wands card indicates a good mental and physical frame of mind. You will be full of vigour and enthusiasm. The advice is to use your energies positively to maintain and improve your health.

Relationships: Eight of Wands Reversed indicates you might want to move away. The best way is to be frank and open. One keeps growing mentally and the definitions of love keep changing. Nothing can be worse than being in a toxic relationship, but it is always better to give your relationship a second chance. With family and friends, it is best to be communicative and share your insecurities.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Page of Wands indicates your creativity will be at its best you will have a lot of lucrative ideas and will be enthusiastic to put them to use but you lack the drive and commitment. You have the opportunity and you need to actively work towards capitalising on it. Businesspeople will lack the enthusiasm to turn their dreams into reality. Financially good gains are expected.

Health: Three of Swords is not indicative of good health. Your emotional health might be compromised and you might feel low and unhappy. The health of some near and dear ones might be the cause of anxiety.

Relationships: Five of Wands Reversed is indicative of some stress and conflict in relationships. Communication can solve all problems. Be open and frank, this will not only clear the misunderstandings but also strengthen your bonds of love. Family will be supportive and caring.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Six of Wands is one of the best cards to get in a career reading. The week will be magical, full of achievements and accolades. Businesses are all set to boom. This is known as the victory card, and victorious you will be in career and finance.

Health: Knight of Wands indicates good health. You will be energetic and enthusiastic. Your mental health will match your physical well-being. Healthy eating, exercising and good sleep are crucial to good health.

Relationships: King of Wands Reversed is the relationship card suggesting an overbearing and controlling relationship. At times, the energies make you behave in this manner and if this is a temporary phase show patience but be careful lest it becomes a habit. Respect each other and give space.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Swords indicates your mental alertness and suggests that your ideas will reap rich dividends. A new project or a new job is on the cards for you. Businesspeople will be prosperous, and their new ideas will get them good returns. Try to move ahead as a team. Give the deserved credit where it is due. Financially, this is a good week. You will gain from different sources.

Health: Two of Wands Reversed indicates some health issues. Do not neglect any symptoms. A second opinion is advised if you already undergoing any treatment.

Relationships: Knight of Cups suggests a good relationship between partners with strong commitments. Familial bonds will be pleasurable and youngsters in the family will be a source of joy.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: King of Wands suggests your superiors will be appreciative of your work. You will handle work-related issues in a mature way and win accolades. Businesspeople are all set to add new dimensions to your work and expand. Financially, a good period is indicated. Increments and gains are on the cards for you.

Health: The Empress is the health card for Scorpio natives indicating good health. Invest in a good health regimen to stay healthy. This card represents abundance and fertility.

Relationships: Queen of Wands Reversed indicates unfulfilled desires and emotional neglect. You need to work on spending more time with your partner and work towards a better sex life. It is the barometer for marital bliss. Pregnant women need to be overcautious. Family members might want more attention from you.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Ace of Wands denotes new beginnings in the career. You might get your dream job, and businessmen might just land up with a new lucrative project. You will be full of energy and positivity, and you will achieve a lot. Financially, you will enjoy stability and a new source of income is likely to begin for you.

Health: Ten of Wands indicates good health. You will see the tensions easing out and any minor ailments bothering you are likely to disappear. Focus on a healthy lifestyle.

Relationships: The Star card indicates strengthening of relationships, says this December weekly horoscope. Your understanding and camaraderie with your partner will improve. You will enjoy a good in between the sheets. Family ties will strengthen.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn zodiac sign
December weekly horoscope

Career and Finance: Magician Reversed card warns you not to neglect small issues regarding your career. Address them before they escalate to irreparable heights. This card also suggests you are not using your skills in the right manner and direction. If you put enough effort, you are likely to gain financially. Businesspeople need to be mindful of their P’s and Q’s relating to their work.

Health: Ten of Pentacles Reversed card often indicates some health-related hereditary problems. The tarot advice is to get a thorough check-up done.

Relationships: Knight of Pentacles Reversed indicates an inconsistent relationship according to December weekly horoscope. There are ego clashes and imbalance in your relationship and it oscillates from the best to the worst. You need to work on it. Set some rules and work toward amicability. Familial bonds will be good.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius zodiac sign (December weekly horoscope)

Career and Finance:  The Devil card indicates overload of work. Managing too many things together might make you lose focus from your goals and make you unhappy. The advice is to only bite what you can comfortably chew. Business natives are advised not to compromise on their quality of work. Finances will be average this week.

Health: The Hanged Man indicates neglect in health-related issues. It often indicates physical discomfort. If you are recuperating, give more time to recover.

Relationships: Wheel of Fortune Reversed foretells sudden fallout among partners as per December weekly horoscope. You need to respect your partners’ thinking and views. The Tarot advice is to give space to each other. You are likely to have some difference of opinion with your family members. Do not be over-reactive and be careful not to hurt anyone. Solve the issues amicably.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces zodiac sign (December weekly horoscope)

Career and Finance: Four of Swords indicates mental and physical exhaustion. You need to take it easy. Work is a very important aspect of life let it not become the entire life. Take a break go for a vacation try meditation you just need to do something different to relax yourself lest you get demoralised and demotivated, just Restore yourself. Business people need to start saying no to excess workload as it might burn you out and compromise on the quality. Financially you are fine get over the greed for more, money is a lousy master and the best servant, give your well being priority.

Health: Two of Pentacles is indicative of robust health. It is a balance card warning you to maintain a good balance in life. Do not be over-indulgent with your food and drink. Eating healthy, having a good sleep, and exercising are important.

Relationships: Ten of Pentacles is the relationship card indicating a good relationship among partners. You will enjoy with your family and friends. Some celebrations are indicated in the family.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Veronika Malchevska/Pexels


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