Tarot cards

predict market activity with unerring accuracy – TradingView Blog

Some market analysis tools work more accurately at predicting future performance than others. We’re proud to announce we’ve made a fresh one that – with a high degree of certainty – will inform you of something you desperately need to know. 

Tarot reading for traders is a new TradingView product, complementing our already immensely popular Moon Phase indicator, whereby you can tap into the powers of the occult to get a sense of what’s about to happen on the charts. 

Unlike many technical and fundamental indicators, which are lag indicators, Tarot reading is a 100% future-first metric, giving users a diverse breadth of insight into upcoming economic activity across a range of markets, including stocks, crypto, futures and FX. 

And while everyone’s obsessed with A.I, we actually stress-tested both, and tarot trumped LLMs in predictive capability across 97.8% of the 9,878 trading scenarios we observed. There really isn’t a more exciting new field for traders to explore than the occult at this present time. 

Want to know if A.I. stocks are about to surge anyway? Keep an eye out for Play It again Sam. Do you hold Tesla shares and want to keep an eye ahead in case Elon plans something divisive? You better hope Cagefight doesn’t make an appearance then. Bitcoin Maxi? Bitcoin is Risen is your card.

Tarot reading is an immensely intuitive offering. Simply head over to the product page, compose yourself, and think deeply about your watchlist – then draw the cards. You’ll get unerringly accurate reading of what’s to come, market-wise.  

Read the cards

That’s all there is to it. Try our tarot set out for yourself and let us know what you think. As ever, we thank you for making TradingView the special place that it is, one where we can  launch products as out there as market-specialized tarot cards without worry of stones being cast and judgment being made. 

You lot are truly special.

Team TradingView

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