Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

New Moon in Virgo September 2023: Date, Meaning, Horoscope

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation, and if you have a lack in your life, then this is the time the collective will work to fill it, whether through a new experience, person, or item. We all must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental.

For newbies, a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree in the sky, forming what astrologers call a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because cutting through diamonds is possible. New Moons are a time for for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself! If you find your horoscope helpful, please share it and tag me on social media @monishaholmes.

Oh, a lot can change in a year. What if your life suddenly changed? What would happen if you left your job, experienced a breakup, and learned that your rent is about to be raised? What would you do? Hopefully, you recognize that everything happens for a reason. That job might not have been a fit for you, and maybe you were losing interest. That breakup might have been a dodged bullet or a sign that you must work on yourself. As for the rent rise… well, I’m sorry, bub. Sometimes change just sucks, and other times it is what you need to transform your life for the better. One of the best things you can do is prepare, even if it means putting away $15 a week for a year because according to girl math, that’s $780, which is $780 more than you have if you don’t save. If you’re already ahead of the curb, think about ways you can invest in yourself. Scared money doesn’t make money, and criticism without construction is bullying.

On September 14, 2023, at 9:39 PM EST, there is a New Moon in Virgo. The main point of this New Moon is to focus on welcoming chaos, transformation, and conclusions. There is no breakthrough without failure. Once you can live with the recognition that you are like a phoenix, you will know freedom.

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to grow.

Your horoscope for the New Moon in Virgo


Aries, how much money would you invest into your future? Sudden expenses can be a drag, even if you’re sure you can afford them. The markers of maturity are the inconvenience of minding your finances and the process of tending to your obligations. When you come out of pocket, be clear on how you want your payments to pay off.


Taurus, what would bring you a sense of pleasure this month? Learning about yourself can be the best way to enjoy yourself. There is no purpose for self-improvement other than the sensation it gives you. You can easily justify taking time to learn more about yourself. Self-discovery does not need a prompt.


Gemini, what are you holding onto? Home can cause us to feel a sense of safety, even if we’re tense. As you continue cultivating your space, make sure you can make space for what you want. Sometimes, there is no need to give anything away. Reorganizing can make a world of difference.


Cancer, continue communicating your dreams and aspirations. Trust people when they show you that you cannot live your truth around them. When you sense that you must hide yourself or wonder if you’re being too much, it’s always worth introspection. Once you’ve reached a conclusion, proceed with confidence. You’re allowed to be you.


Leo, your values take center stage. The camera can’t always be on you, but when it is, it should be because of something you’re proud of. Being a hypocrite is a surefire way to get lost on the shame train. Eventually, the spotlight always comes onto you; some people just find shiny lights intriguing.


Virgo, what are you scared of? How does fear dictate your life? How does it push you further from your goals and keep you from your ideal future? You have one goal during this lifetime: To be your authentic self. When you can live in your truth, you can find a sense of purpose. Block the haters.


Libra, how can you slow down and welcome change? It seems like there’s an ongoing theme of changes in your home and family life. Have you noticed these developments and accepted them as they come, or tried to ignore them? Sometimes, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to take stock of all that’s happening in your life.


Scorpio, how can you be so confident that nothing is going on for you? Behind the scenes is when the most meaningful progress occurs. I, of all people, understand how frustrating it can be to be patient. Patience usually requires rejection, disappointments, changed plans, and rerouting. During this New Moon, you may be surprised how much you were unaware of—be optimistic!


Sagittarius, where would you work if you could choose anywhere in the world? A sense of belonging is invaluable. When you feel you belong in a particular place, you’ll be able to appreciate authentic celebration. Be clear on your values, who you are, and your absolute icks. No one loves a desperate person, so say “no” every once in a while.


Capricorn, can you imagine a new way to have fun? It’s time to transform the way in which you approach fun. As you become more aware of your boundaries, you can better decide what brings you joy versus what feels like a significant drain. Remember, fun needs no purpose other than to be enjoyed.


Aquarius, as you think of endings, be clear that there are perspectives that you’re missing. Your job is to care for yourself and be cautious of others. Even though you may have a bleeding heart, make sure that a desire for validation is not driving you. What familial dynamics do you play like a broken record?


Pisces, does this feel like being young again? Chasing childhood is a losing game, babe. Unless you’re still a teenager, then those years are gone. What could you be missing that you’re losing all sense of logic? Getting in touch with your inner child is an excellent first step in understanding what parts of you were allowed to be neglected.

Headshot of Monisha Holmes


Monisha “Six” Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness. She earned her MSW at Columbia University, where she specialized in contemporary social issues. Aside from writing, Monisha is the founder of Black Women Being, a media platform aimed at promoting wellness, spirituality, and justice.
Follow her on YouTube.

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