Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

New moon in Virgo arrives this week, here’s what that means

There’s a dark moon rising in the sign of streamlining and self-improvement.

The Virgo new moon arrives on Sept. 14 at 9:40 p.m., bringing with it the summons to discern, direct, set course and cut loose anything that crowds, defeats or compromises growth.

New moon, who dis?

New moons, in name and meaning, are slate-cleaning, split-end trimming and field-clearing restarts that usher in a fresh lunar cycle. A new moon occurs when the moon is in conjunction with the sun and is no longer visible from our vantage on Earth.

Consequently, the new moon always aligns with the zodiac sign the sun is moving through. In this case, that would be the mutable Earth, don’t be sorry, be better, love as service sign of Virgo.

The energy we bring to the new moon is the same energy we carry into the weeks ahead. Translation? Good vibes only, bro. Make a concerted effort to push out and away psychic vampires, naysayers and any lingering longing for exes. This is a time for imagining a future rather than examining the past. To quote a piece of wall art I saw at T.J. Maxx: “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.”

New moon in Virgo

Virgo zodiac astrology
Represented by the virgin, Virgo is a sign associated with ritual purification and mindful improvement.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and lords over the sixth house of daily rituals, bodily health and service to others. Thus, this lunation is about work and wellness and redefining our relationship to, and integration of, both tenets.

This new moon coincides with the last gasp of Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo. We still have a few days of post-retrograde shadow to weather, but with Venus going direct earlier this month and this Mercury retrograde giving us the gift of compassionate clarity, there is a feeling of air clearing, tides turning and better possibilities ahead.

New moons are high times for intention setting, though intention is something of an eye-roll-inducing buzzword as of late. If you’ll allow the lesson in etymology, the practice is apt. Intention comes from the Latin intentionem, which translates in the purist sense to personal will, the direction of forces and the alignment of feeling and focus.

Repeat after me: ‘Burnout is a choice I will not make’

Visitors celebrate summer solstice.
The Virgo new moon draws our focus to work and wellness and how they do and do not support one another.
AFP/Getty Images

Sarah Gottesdiener, the amazing artist, sage, and author of “The Moon Book,” recently gave me an illuminating tarot card reading in which she suggested that rather than keeping weekly track of everything we do and measuring our worth by our productivity (an ugly ethos of the capitalist infrastructure in which we toil), we should instead assemble a living log of everything we didn’t do that, in turn, freed us to feel good.

As everyone knows, lists hold a near holy place in the harvest heart of Virgos, and this one can include such self-preserving non-negotiables as not working beyond our capacity/billable hours, not doom-scrolling or disassociating, not skipping lunch, not caring what your mom said or didn’t, not responding to other people’s petty provocations, not missing what matters in the interest of what pays, not allowing our obligations to supersede our needs, not subscribing to the idea that sacrifice equals devotion, etc.

Virgo energy is about efficacy, but not overextension. Virgos are highly efficient because they have an innate understanding of what they can and cannot give and what they must do and not do in order to keep their cups filled, noses clean and spirits high. Virgo seeks perfection, not because they are anal-retentive joykills — but because if it’s done right and done with intention, it doesn’t have to be done again. It’s not about flawlessness, but self-conservancy. Praise be.

Spiritual meaning of the new moon in Virgo

In an excerpt from his forthcoming memoir, German director, general luminary and apex Virgo Werner Herzog writes about moving to Pittsburgh at 21 and being hired as a production assistant, a position he had neither qualifications nor references for.

The man who hired him seemed nonetheless convinced of his abilities, an expression of what Herzog calls “pragmatic optimism.” I think of this pragmatic optimism as a pillar of the Virgo archetype and a kind of banner for this new moon.

Virgo is the sign of vantage, it sees the potential in all things and all people (sometimes to its own detriment). This bird’s-eye view of betterment is one we can all apply during this new moon.

How is what we are doing stepping toward or away from what we most want and most want to become? As my friend Jonny likes to sing, “freedom takes discipline,” and Virgo inherently understands that preparation reaps reward and organizing time and allotting energy allows us to deepen our experience of the former and conservation of the latter.

As an Earth sign, Virgo provides a firm foundation for this preparatory work. The harvest is nigh, the equinox is next week, abundance is on the horizon, and we are charged only with clearing the path for its plenty.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.

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