Tarot cards

Monthly horoscope: October 2023 tarot readings for all star signs

Get ready for a new month (Picture: Getty/

Following the Autumn Equinox and with Libra season now underway, we’re now fully into the wind-down of 2023.

Throughout this month, there are a number of cosmic aspects which may be challenging or helpful, including a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra that’s set to foster compromise and the ability to charm your way into getting what you want.

On October 28, we’ll also have a Full Moon in Taurus, prompting the desire for comfort, stability and healing. Just want you want during the chillier seasons.

A number of planets are in retrograde all month – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – which may make things feel a little shaky in terms of finances or work, but Pluto turns direct on October 10, giving you back a little more mental control.

Meanwhile, Venus entering Virgo on October 8 gives relationships a serious and practical vibe, so it’s a great time to make plans or commitments with those closest to you.

Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of October, with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.


March 21 to April 20

A new obsession could reignite your spark (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aries for October: Four of Cups, Ace of Wands, Four of Wands

Meaning: New hobby

A new beginning comes into view with the inspiring and busy Ace of Wands. A new study, passion, ritual, hobby, travel idea, or lifestyle change. This will activate this October and become your immediate ‘new thing’.

It authentically represents what you want to be and where you want to go. The Four of Wands shows it also represents progress, improvement, change for the better, so be led by your best hopes here.

The Four of Cups shows that, initially this October, you might feel a little listless, bored, or numbed by your routine and daily life. Same old, same old. If that happens then remember this tarotscope and strive to start something fresh and new. It will clear those doldrums up straightaway and get you back on track.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

You’re on fire this month (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Taurus for October: King of Coins, The Sun, The Emperor

Meaning: Power vibes

Powerful cards this October suggesting that you’re entering a leadership, controlling, dominating phase in your life path. Good! Take control and get stuff done that matters to you, take the lead on it for who else will?

The Sun shows everything you do will be successful so, with that in mind, make a list of things you’d love to achieve if you knew you couldn’t fail! The King of Coins roots this goal-setting in health, wealth, work and home. And in making advances, improvements, and progress in these areas.

This is kind of like an early New Year resolution phase, except these goals are going to start activating now vs 2024. The Emperor brings you the necessary energy, determination, selfishness, and power to make these things happen. You are an unstoppable force this October so choose your direction carefully.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Gemini, keep on trucking (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Gemini for October: (Five of Coins, Ace of Cups, Seven of Cups

Meaning: Replace what was lost

The month might start a little slowly, maybe even in a slightly low mood, with the grieving Five of Coins. Gemini, you hide your emotions well, but I can see that you feel like you’ve lost out on something (or someone) and it pains you.

Don’t worry. Don’t fret. Feel the feelings and then release them so you can move on to the next step… because better is just around the corner. The Seven of Cups asks you to use your imagination to focus on what would ideally replace what you feel was lost. What would make up for it?

The Ace of Cups is a promise that this can and will be delivered to you, so make this vision clear, detailed, vivid and memorable, and keep it with you as the month unfolds. A new love/friend/project/role/passion lies ahead… and it’s better than what was lost.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

Keep your eyes pealed for a revelation (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Cancer for October: Judgment, Eight of Cups, Ten of Wands

Meaning: Major turning point

A wake-up call or epiphany is going to change the game for you this October, Cancer, and it’s going to be a mind-blower! Judgment shows you realise something deep and powerful about your true nature, what makes you unique and special, why you’re different, what you truly need (vs have chased up to now). It changes things, it shifts your outlook and priorities.

Let this happen! The Eight of Cups is a swift to-do list of clearing away dead wood and dead weight. You realise that some of your commitments, roles, relationships or goals are actually not that authentic or positive or relevant to you now. Get rid of them. Clear the decks.

The Ten of Wands then asks you to take a little break, get a respite from planning and doing and just ‘be’ with your new outlook. Let it sink in, absorb the truths, get to know yourself from this angle. Things will change soon enough, let yourself get used to the ‘new normal’.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Change is coming (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Leo for October: The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Cups

Meaning: Growth and change

Powerful cards this October, Leo, so buckle up for a wild ride! It starts with The Tower. Something is going to be revealed or collapsed by an external impact. Something will end or prove impossible to carry on with… and secretly you’re relieved. You’ve long felt this ‘thing’ was fading, false, or negative, but didn’t have the wherewithal to end it. Well, now the Universe has!

The Wheel of Fortune shows this triggers a series of knock-on effects and influences which create big transformation across your wider life. Positive progress, growth, new energy, different people, fresh opportunity. Embrace it all!

The Nine of Cups is the silver lining (although the whole thing is silver, in truth). A wish will come true now. Whatever collapsed was the thing that was blocking you getting your heart’s desire… now it has gone, you can manifest this passionate and heartfelt dream.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

You’ve got this, Virgo (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Virgo for October: Two of Swords, Page of Swords, The Star

Meaning: Go for it

Make a good decision, a positive choice, a proactive step towards what’s best for you. Don’t let others into this process or analysis. Don’t compromise or sacrifice or do what you know someone else expects or wants. Do this for you, Virgo.

The Page and Two of Swords show that this decision has been very complex, and you’ve thought long and hard. You have blown hot and cold on it and backed off only to run up to the precipice once again. Enough of this circling, spiralling and overthinking. Time for action.

The Page of Swords is a literal ‘green light’ to go for your true desire, to pursue what is right for you. The Star blesses the whole thing with fairy dust, magic, and manifesting powers. The higher you aim, the better the outcome. Between now and February, you won’t believe what you can achieve, overcome, and succeed in. Go for it!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

You can’t pour from an empty cup (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Libra for October: Queen of Cups, The High Priestess, Nine of Coins

Meaning: Self care

Very feminine energy with the Queen of Cups and The High Priestess, both cards asking you to focus on yourself, your wellbeing, your emotional state, your intuitive and insight. Important, and possibly life changing, revelations are waiting to pour forth from your subconscious. You have things to think about and new conclusions to draw (good news, Libra, as you love ruminating).

The Nine of Coins asks you to focus this thinking on your own improvements and upwards trajectory. Self care, self love, self esteem. How to build on your successes, strengths, and natural talents. How to amplify what you’re good at. How to be at peace and in flow with your work, home life, and hobbies. How to develop and grow and challenge yourself.

All of these things will become clear to you this October and you should heed the insights you receive – they have the potential to make everything better.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

You don’t have to go it alone (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Scorpio for October: Knight of Coins, Seven of Wands, Six of Coins

Meaning: A change is coming

You are known for being a solo player, a lone ranger, a person who values independence and personal courage. You’d rather lead than follow, fight than flee, and protect than be protected. However, there’s nothing wrong with alliances and the Seven of Wands and Six of Coins ask you to work on that this October.

Who are your allies? Who will back you up? Who stands with you? Know your allies and nurture them. The Knight of Coins shows your usual secrecy and defensiveness is at play, and you often push others away so you can just get on and do it yourself. Resist this temptation, Scorpio.

Instead, lean in and work, collaborate, and align with other people who want the same thing as you. I promise you’ll go further, faster, than you thought would be possible.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

What lights the fire within you? (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for October: The Wheel of Fortune, Page of Swords, Knight of Cups

Meaning: Pursue your passions

Follow a passion, pursue a heartfelt goal, track down your dreams and manifest them. Stop doubting yourself. The Wheel of Fortune and Page of Swords shows you have been wondering where to go next, thinking about changing course but wasting energy talking yourself in and out of taking steps or making a choice.

Now is the time to go for it. The Universe is giving you a green light to go for the things you’ve been daydreaming about. The Knight of Cups shows this whole pursuit will be fun, empowering, exciting, inspiring and full of adventure and new people.

See your goals as wonderful stories you’re going to live out and enjoy being the protagonist of, even the tough parts. Make one bold leap this month and see what unfolds, I guarantee there’ll be plenty of action and progress.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

At a crossroads right now? Go with your gut (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Capricorn for October: Two of Swords, Nine of Coins, Three of Wands

Meaning: A big choice made well

You are going to suddenly come to a big decision point and make a really big choice that could change the whole trajectory of your life from this point on. The Two of Swords is the decision coming down the pipeline, heading your way, forcing its presence.

Don’t delay or suppress or avoid it. Face it and deal with it. Don’t worry about making the right choice because the Three of Wands shows you will get a massive epiphany out of the blue which reveals what you truly want and what you authentically believe is the best path ahead.

The Nine of Coins shows this is all leading you in the right direction. You are growing, evolving, building, improving, progressing, and taking responsibility for your longer term health, wealth, security and career. You realise it’s all on you. And you’re relishing taking control. Have faith in your decisions and aim for a prosperous and happy future.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

This October, you’re seeing things clearly (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aquarius for October: The Emperor, The Sun, Eight of Cups

Meaning: Design your life

Now is the time to draw a line under your failings, setbacks, regrets, or past wounds… and move ahead, with dynamism and ambition, towards a future that you are in control of designing and building.

The Eight of Cups is a signal to move on, to accept realities for what they are, and stop worrying or overthinking it. Just let it be what it is, realise it’s over and done with, and turn your gaze towards the future.

The Emperor and The Sun are both mega powerful cards about taking control of your destiny, being bold and confident, aiming as high (if not higher) as possible. Apply, pitch, propose, demand, ask, challenge, involve yourself. Go for the dream roles, locations, moves, expansions, rewards, and people you want to have in your life. Anything is possible this month, Aquarius.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

This is an enemies to besties tale (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Pisces for October: Ace of Cups, The Moon, Seven of Wands

Meaning: A new important person

Sometimes we end up really, really liking people who, at first, we really, really didn’t. Haven’t you found that to be the case? The Moon and Seven of Wands show that there’s someone you’ll meet this October that you have doubts about. They seem secretive, they challenge you, they perhaps tell a fib you catch them out on, they are overbearing or bossy. Something triggers you.

Now, hold fire, Pisces, before you write them off altogether because the Ace of Cups shows this person could be your new best friend/lover/partner /collaborator! Give them a second chance, linger a little longer, stay and see what happens.

You will be glad you did because this first impression is not the real or whole person. You are going to welcome one of the most important people in the future to your life this month!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

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