Tarot cards

Love predictions: Weekly horoscope for zodiac signs from 18 Dec

Being in love is a special type of feeling which makes our life brighter. Love is a source of strength and unity for each human being. Love Tarot card readings were the first readings by the cards to come into being. Will your love life be positive or not? Will the people today in our lives be our soulmates? All aspects of the relationship, the compatibility, the efforts, the problems, all of us are plagued by so many questions regarding our love life and each one of us is ever so keen to find the answers. Read this week’s love horoscope prediction to know what it’ll be like for all zodiac signs.

Keeping a balance between your dreams and the reality will define the success of your relationship. Love requires effort, compromise, understanding, and above all acceptance of imperfections of your partner. The need for love lies in the very foundation of human existence and life seems perfect, complete, exciting, and worthwhile if you have the family support and the right partner besides you.

Love quote for the week – ‘Nobody has ever measured, how much the heart can hold’. Read this week’s tarot guidance for the zodiac signs and the love predictions too.

December love life horoscope 2023 weekly prediction

Aries love horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives are likely to have a tough time, says our love and horoscope predictions. This card indicates moving forward in a relationship after a trying time. You need to put in effort to maintain domestic harmony. Treat this as a new beginning, bury the unpleasant recollections of the past if any, and do not let them resurface. Do not hold any grudges against family members.

Singles: Singles are likely to be in and out of relationships and this is a time to introspect and see if you have set very high expectations in finding a partner. No one is perfect and no relation is perfect. Acceptance of imperfections is the only way to make the association work. Natives in love might face some disharmony with their partner and a break-up cannot be ruled out.

Taurus love horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives will enjoy an exciting carefree relationship this week. You need to nurture your relationship. Taking your partner for granted even after years of being together is not a good idea. You are likely to enjoy good carnal pleasures. Give respect to your family members and do not pressurise them in any way.

Singles: According to love and horoscope prediction, singles will have an enjoyable and exciting time with like-minded people and will be in no hurry for commitments. Enjoy your single status till you are struck by the cupid. Natives in love will be happy in their relationship and will want to tie the knot. The advice is to wait for a couple of months.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: Gemini sun sign natives will enjoy harmony and an ideal camaraderie with their partners. There will be love, respect, and commitment in your relationship and space – all the ingredients for a perfect linkage. The only thing which requires attention is to have a better sex life. Family will be happy and satisfied with your care and attention.

Singles: Singles will be having a great time with someone of the opposite sex and this is likely to develop into a special bond, says our love predictions. Enjoy the euphoria of love. Natives in love will be happy and content with their partners and marriage is on the cards for them.

Cancer love horoscope

Couples: Cancer natives are likely to be too involved in work and other responsibilities and might not be able to spend enough time with your partner. Ask your partner for help rather than take all the responsibility on your shoulders, problems shares are problems halved. Try to work out a balance focus on the quality of time you spend with your mate, make it worthwhile. You will not be shying away from your duties towards your near and dear ones but families often expect more than just duty. Be communicative families are often very understanding.

Singles: Singles will be pressed for time and might not be able to socialise very much, if this is a once in a while affair it is fine otherwise you need to reschedule your priorities and make time for yourself. Natives in love need to spend more time with their mates and be sure of your feelings before you think of proposing.

Leo love horoscope

Couples: Leo sun sign natives are all set to enjoy good harmony and family bonding. Couples will share a good bonhomie and some celebrations together will strengthen the bonds of love and understanding.  Good times and bonding together with the family will get all the members closer.

Singles: Singles are in luck this week and might form an attachment with someone special. A good time with fun, entertainment, and merriment are indicated. Natives in love will be happy and satisfied with their partners and this is a good time to propose and tie the knot.

Virgo love horoscope

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy stability and maturity in their relationship and that is the best you can hope for in a relationship. You need to work on improving your carnal pleasures. You are likely to enjoy stability and a good bonding with family.

Singles: Singles need to be mindful of their approach towards their dates. Too much of mushiness puts off the partner at times. Move ahead slowly and let the relationship build gradually. Take and give enough time for the bonds to develop and mature. Natives in love will enjoy the soundness and consistency in their relationship. Your proposal will be accepted, and this is a good time for permanency.

Libra love horoscope

Couples: Libra sun sign natives will have to work on their egos. You will have to control your tongue and not hurt your near and dear ones with sharp and harsh words. Work on changing your attitude towards your near and dear ones. Be considerate towards others’ viewpoint. Be respectful and try not to be brash with your family members.

Singles: Singles should practice honesty. Do not give wrong impressions about yourself. Be what you are as relationships on a weak foundation will not last for long. Natives in love might be faced with some unexpected revelations about their partner and might be in a dilemma. The advice is to take your time and be sure before commitments are made.

Scorpio love horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives might face some difference of opinion leading to strife in relationship among couples. You might have grown apart, but this card indicates you are compatible sex partners and that is half the battle won. Work towards making your understanding better. You might be having some communication gap with family members.

Singles: Singles might be feeling lonely, and not finding a date of their choice. It might make you fraught and anxious, but the advice is to keep yourself positively occupied. Natives in love might feel claustrophobic and trapped, and the best way is to sort out things honestly and frankly and make the right decision.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives might not have it good with their partners this week. Your relationship with your partner will be far from good and you will need to work on improvising it. Change your attitude, discard your ego, improve your behaviour, and try towards a happier life. Family might be unhappy and distant, and you need to introspect and be caring and loving towards your family members.

Singles: Singles might be recuperating from a heart break and might feel lonely and distraught. Take your time to heal your heart before you seek a new relationship. It is always better to retrospect and learn from your mistakes. Natives in love might be yo-yoing between yes and no. Do not stretch the relationship just for the heck of it. Being alone is always better than being unhappy together.

Capricorn love horoscope

Couples: Capricorn sun sign natives might be struggling to maintain a healthy balance in their relationship. Time and effort are required for a relationship to grow and too much of neglect in a partnership might upset it. Familial bonds will be good, and the family members will understand and respect your commitments.

Singles: Singles will be in a mood to enjoy and have fun with no commitments. You will be meeting some like-minded people and will have a good week with fun and frolic. Natives in love will have to get some balance in their lives. Do not neglect your work or ignore your friends and family.

Aquarius love horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign people will have a good week in terms of love and romance. You will enjoy a good time with your partner. You are likely to bond well and have a good time in between the sheets. Some celebrations in the family are indicated which will make the bonhomie stronger. Family bonds are all set to grow and get you closer to all the members.

Singles: Singles will be in luck and might meet someone with whom they will bond and gel quite well. Natives in love will have it good. You will be deeply in love, happy, and satisfied with your partner and marriage is on the offing.

Pisces love horoscope

Couples: Pisces natives will enjoy stability and discipline in their relationship. It can be stifling at times to be in a regimented life. Let your guard down sometime and be yourself. Family will be satisfied with your commitment towards them but fun and frolic with the members can make the family time memorable.

Singles: Singles might need to be more adaptable to imperfections states our love prediction. You cannot tailor make a person and to find the significant other, you need to be flexible and be ready to adjust. Natives in love might have some hiccups in their relationship. It is always better to clear out things and set some ground rules before commitment.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Pexels

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