Tarot cards

Love prediction: Weekly horoscope for zodiac signs from 4 Dec

Each week or rather each day brings new hopes and beginnings. Married people look forward to harmony and security, people in love want to blossom and grow their relationship, and singles are hopeful of finding their dream partners. Everyone seeks love and understanding from their families and their mates. Numerous energies are at play in the universe, which keeps changing with the motion of the planets. Know your relationship horoscope for 4 December – 10 December. Understand your partner better with the help of our love life predictions this week.

For a pleasant and fruitful relationship, you need to be mindful of unrealistic expectations or fantasies. Keep a balance between your dreams and the reality of relationships. Take the guidance of the Tarot cards to make reasonable and sensible choices in your love life this week. Know this week’s love life horoscope predictions for all zodiac signs.

December love life horoscope 2023 weekly prediction

Aries love horoscope

Weekly horoscope

Couples: Aries sun sign natives will experience dominance by their partner this week. When a good balance is not maintained, it upsets the cart of partnership. Changing energies sometime make you act and behave differently but for harmony and peace you need to respect each other and support each other. Family might be a little exasperated with your nit picking.

Singles: Singles might be unhappy with their single status and want to get into a romantic liaison. If relationships are not working out, you need to introspect and be more understanding and adaptable for a relationship to progress and grow. Natives in love might be having some misunderstandings with their partners.

Taurus love horoscope

Weekly horoscope

Couples: Taurus sun sign natives need to add spice to their relationship. A regimented and routine life can be detrimental for the health of the relationships. Try doing different things or things differently. Surprise your partner with a gift or an outing and work on increasing your libido to improve your sex life. Family will be happy to receive more affection and caring beyond the duty calls.

Singles: Singles will be enjoying their single status and will be in no hurry to lose it. You need to be prepared for commitment beforehand and it is advised not to get into something. Natives in love will be happy with their partnership and not in a hurry to seal the relationship.

Gemini love horoscope

Couples: According to love prediction for this week, Gemini sun sign natives should be forewarned this week to give importance to your partners’ likes and dislikes lest it creates friction and discord. You need to create a proper balance in your relationship and value your partner’s opinion and advice. Find amicable solutions together and dissolve the issues by mutual consent. Give respect and love to the family members demonstrating your affection.

Singles: According to this week’s love predictions, Singles will be looking for a partner and the advice is to be more adaptable and set realistic expectations in finding one. Remember no one is perfect including you. Natives in love will have to adjust and compromise a lot and the advice is to only give in what you can comfortably keep up with.

Cancer love horoscope

cancer zodiac sign

Couples: Cancer sun sign natives will have a positive and progressive relationship with their partners. You will be in a happy space. Family members will be happy with your attention and you might celebrate some happy and joyous occasion together.

Singles: Singles will be happy in their single status and not inclined for commitments. It is a good time to enjoy to the fullest but be honest and frank in your friendships. Natives in love will be hesitant to commit. Take your time to be sure and ready.

Leo love horoscope

Leo zodiac sign

Couples: Leo natives are not likely to enjoy the best of relationship this week. Some strife with your partner might upset you. You will share a good compatibility in bed, and you need to work on a better understanding. You might be having some communication gap with family members causing misunderstanding. Work towards sorting out issues. Do not brush them under the carpet. Address them.

Singles: Singles might be in and out of relationships. You need to introspect as you might have set very high expectations of your partner. A lot of compromise and adjustments are needed to make a relationship work. Natives in love might be having second thoughts. No one is perfect and you need to work towards making your relationship perfect yourself.

Virgo love horoscope

Virgo zodiac sign

Couples: Virgo sun sign natives will enjoy a stable relationship but an unexciting one. Loosen up, add spice to your regimented life, and work on improving your sex life. This card can also indicate dominance at times, and you need to keep it in check. Your relationship with family will be average. Try to relax and not be dominating as everyone values space.

Singles: Singles need to meet more people and increase your social circle. Try not to rush into commitment. Give yourself choice and time. Natives in love need to add some excitement in their lives and do different things together. Your relationship should be exciting enough for marriage.

Libra love horoscope


Couples: Libra sun sign natives might not share good vibes with their partner. The reason apparent is inflated egos and unnecessary exchange of words. You need to work on yourself. Ego and love cannot coexist. Focus on intimacy. Family might be unhappy with your dominance and there might be some strain between members. You need to introspect and be more caring and loving towards your family.

Singles: Singes might feel lonely of not being able to find the right partner. Give it time. Things happen when they are supposed to. In the meantime, focus on self-care and family bonding. Natives in love might not be happy with their partners and might be oscillating between love and hate. You must decide if the conviviality is missing in your relationship. Being healthy alone is better than being sick together.

Scorpio love horoscope

Scorpio love sex and relationship horoscope

Couples: Scorpio sun sign natives will be struggling to maintain a balance in their relationship, according to love predictions this week. It could be an overload of work or family commitment which leave you with no time to be with your partner. Time and effort are required for a relationship to grow. Familial bonds will be good, and the family members will understand and respect your commitments.

Singles: Singles might be under pressure in their field of work or family commitments and you need to find time to socialise and find time to meet interesting people. If this is an everyday affair, you need to seriously work towards a balance. All work and no play make jack a dull boy. Natives in love need to make their partners understand their commitment toward work and family.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Sagittarius relationship horoscope

Couples: Sagittarius sun sign natives will be committed in their relationship and in full frame of mind to get positive changes in their relation with their mates ready to compromise and adjust to make a success of their partnership. You are likely to do a lot of fun things together and your bonding is all set to increase. Family will enjoy the time spend together and you will enjoy peace and harmony this week.

Singles: Singles will be ready to strike a romantic bond with their significant other and will be in a compromising mode. It is good to be giving and accommodating but mark the boundaries carefully. Natives in love might be having some adjustment issues and the advice is not to compromise on your principles even if it leads to difficulties in the short term.

Capricorn love horoscope

Capricorn love and sex horoscope

Couples: Capricorn natives might be struggling emotionally and be anxious regarding some issues. The best way is to address all the problems frankly and reach amicable conclusions. Be open and frank with the family. Problems shared are halved and you might get some good advice in the bargain.

Singles: Singles will be in a confused state regarding the choice of partner. You cannot tailor make a person and you never find a perfect person. Let the cupid strike and all the doubts will vanish. Natives in love might be yo-yoing between yes and no and the advice is to wait and commit only if, you are sure.

Aquarius love horoscope

Aquarius love and sex horoscope

Couples: Aquarius sun sign natives will enjoy stability and peace in their relationship. There will be understanding with your partner and good intimacy. It’s a good time for pregnancy and conception. You are likely to enjoy good relationship with all the members of the family and you will share a good bond with the elders of the family.

Singles: Singles will want to settle down in life with a partner and arranged marriage is a big possibility. Natives in love will be happy in their relationships and will be all set to say I do. It’s a good time for proposals and marriage.

Pisces love horoscope

Pisces love and sex horoscope

Couples: Pisces sun sign natives will be overemotional and mushy this week. Your partner will love this extra dose of attention. You will be passionate and enjoy good intimacy with your partner. Family will be supportive and loving. You will enjoy a good familial bond. You will bond very well with the youngsters in the family.

Singles: Singles will be all out to have fun and will meet many interesting people but with no intension of commitments. This is fine as long as no hearts are broken and you are honest about your intentions. Natives in love will be happy with their significant other but in no hurry to tie the knot.

Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Shutterstock

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