Tarot cards

Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon | Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — With the arrival of Lunar New Year there is often a wave of people switching jobs.

According to data from job search websites such as yes123 and 104 Job Bank, the Year of the Dragon will see a “million-jobs vacuum,” with numerous companies posting job openings and offering high salaries.

For those facing stagnation in their jobs and looking for a change of pace, the post-Lunar New Year period is an opportune moment. Those thinking about a new job can also consider drawing a tarot card that could provide unexpected insights on a possible change of career.

Below are cards A, B, C, and D. Choose one card and see what answer awaits.

Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon

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Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon

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For those who chose A (Influence, Four of Swords, Five of Cups, and King of Wands):

Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon

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For those looking for a career change

If your job search has been challenging, leading to stagnation or thoughts of giving up, consider a career change. Assess past setbacks, rediscover your passion, and conduct a SWOT analysis to identify strengths and analyze skills on job websites. Stay true to your goals, find a job that aligns with your strengths, and make a positive impact.

For those staying put

Perhaps thinking about mistakes in previous jobs has led to self-doubt and stagnation. Let go of past failures, adjust your mindset, boost your confidence, and seek professional help if needed.

For the unemployed

You have great capabilities, but constant unemployment and surrounding influences may have affected your confidence. Shift your mindset to a more positive outlook and actively work on regaining your confidence as you persist in your job search efforts.

For those who chose B (Curiosity, Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Wands, and Knight of Swords):

Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon

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For those looking for a career change

Post-Lunar New Year presents numerous opportunities for career changes, including the chance to explore different fields and secure interviews in areas of interest. If considering multiple directions, do thorough research, promptly decide on job offers, and adhere to job etiquette.

For those staying put

If committed to your current job, anticipate potential role changes or departmental reassignments this year. Prepare for significant task adjustments, new responsibilities, and increased workload. Pursue goals and projects confidently, as they remain achievable in the new year.

For the Unemployed

Refine your job search based on past experiences and strengths, focusing on the essentials. Enrich your abilities for your ideal job. Despite many interview opportunities, success lies in a determined focus on a specific field.

For those who chose C (Creativity, Eight of Pentacles, The Star, and Seven of Cups):

Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon

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For those looking for a career change

You have the opportunity to find a better job and secure a more competitive salary. A well-crafted resume is your key, so gather information, seek advice from seniors, create a portfolio to showcase your abilities, and enhance its formatting and content. If you prepare diligently, you will stand out and transition to a new job smoothly.

For those staying put

Your work capability is great, and by consistently excelling in your current role, there’s a good chance of receiving a raise or promotion. Aim for breakthroughs and display creativity in the upcoming year by proposing innovative ideas to your boss. Taking proactive steps in this regard could lead to significant achievements.

For the unemployed

Thoroughly prepare your resume and interview skills, and be proactive in your job search efforts. Crafting a compelling explanation for any prolonged unemployment will be essential. Your next job is expected to provide increased freedom and flexibility, with opportunities in emerging industries and potential roles with foreign companies.

For those who chose D (Change, Page of Swords, Four of Wands, and Five of Wands):

Let tarot reading help navigate career crossroads in Year of the Dragon

(Taiwan News Image)

For those looking for a career change

It’s time for a career change, and the best opportunities await you in your current field, where your sensitivity, intuition, and expertise will serve you well. Expect to find fulfilling roles in collaborative environments.

For those staying put

You can propose different plans at your current job to make progress and listen to advice. However, changing jobs is inevitable sooner or later. You might be hesitating to switch jobs now, or the desired job opportunity may not have emerged yet, but within two to three months or up to half a year, you will eventually start actively job hunting. Searching for a job within your current field would be recommended.

About our tarot reader

Catherine, an expert in youth and family work with qualifications in family therapy, offers tarot and oracle card readings through her fan page, Catherine’s Hearing and Healing Studio. Her insights integrate social work expertise and ongoing studies in mysticism.

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