Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

| Horoscope Today – The Indian Express


ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Avoid pointless confrontations with partners

Last month’s personal ups and downs may still be having a profound effect, but you should remember that you’re in a long-term cycle and must wait until next spring for the acclaim you so richly deserve. Avoid pointless confrontations with partners.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You may charm others

You can afford to congratulate yourself on recent achievements, even if you get the feeling that some of your successes have gone largely unrecognised, especially at work. You may charm others, but don’t spin them a line or manipulate them into acting against
their interests.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Your creativity should soon take a leap forward

Everything still focuses on parts of your chart ruling love. Perhaps you already have an inkling that social and romantic affairs are about to improve. Your personal creativity should also soon take a leap forward, all the more so if you have acquired the necessary skills.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: ‘If it isn’t broken, don’t try and fix it’.

Today’s news and choices presage next week’s actions and events. You may now be forced to decide whether to pursue a current matter to its logical conclusion or let sleeping dogs lie. Remember that old saying, ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t try and fix it’.

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Redouble your efforts to discover the truth

The Moon directs your attention to home and family matters. The question of the moment seems to be commitment, but when feelings are so nebulous and difficult to define, the answers are difficult to find. Perhaps you should redouble your efforts to discover the truth?

Festive offer

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY:  Have you done enough to make yourself clear?

The key to a successful day is good communication. You are often forced to consider aspects of your life in a new light. Right now the question may be whether you have done enough to make yourself clear, or you share a bit of the blame.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: All this will change before the week is out

Something very strange has been happening in your professional or public life. For one reason or another, you’ve had to return to the past for your information or inspiration, and you may now feel as if you’ve wasted your time. All this will change before the week is out.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: You’ll be much happier in a homely, secure environment

The very fact that the Moon is aligned with your sign may be accountable for your swings of mood, especially if you can’t decide whether to go out or stay in. It is likely that you’ll be much happier in a homely, secure environment than fighting for your ambitions at work.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You may be about to get a new task.

You can be surprisingly secretive at times, and this is one of them. There may be perfectly good reasons to keep your thoughts to yourself, and nobody else has any right to demand that you reveal all unless you are willing. You may be about to get a new task.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: A challenging relationship to your chart 

The time when Mercury forms a challenging relationship to your chart is often filled with confusion and inspiration in equal doses. In many ways this will be helpful if it motivates you to question whatever fundamental improvements are now necessary.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Convince others that you know what you’re talking about.

Before long, probably sooner than you think, you’ll have to choose where to put your energy. The answers to current questions cannot be found in the facts alone, but in what you believe in your heart to be right. All you have to do is convince others that you know what you’re talking about.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Important for your personal happiness to pursue your worldly ambitions

A whole cluster of planets is aligned with dreamy and imaginative regions of your chart. In the final analysis, it may be more important for your personal happiness to pursue your worldly ambitions rather than devoting your time to domestic tasks.


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