Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Horoscope Today: November 6, 2023 | Vogue India


See what the stars have in store for your sign.


Sagittarius, you hold within yourself the burning desire to grow, to expand, transform, and to show up in the world as the most embodied version of yourself. Remind yourself that your purpose is a journey, not a destination, and that it’s okay to be a work-in-progress. If the opportunity to explore the unexplored is on the cards, say yes. Something tells us there’s a lot you will learn about yourself in the process of venturing into the wilderness! Leo, the cards are pointing towards a snake in the grass. A certain somebody who may be trying to salt your game, and deliberately so. If you have a sneaking suspicion about who this somebody may be, take this as a sign to trust your intuition. Scorpio, if you’re in the mood to bring out the bubbly this morning, we wouldn’t blame you one bit. There’s much to celebrate around here (other than the joy of being alive!) Some of you could be prepping for a landmark occasion such as a wedding, an engagement or a baby shower at this time. Not to mention, your birthday is probably around the corner too! So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!

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