Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Horoscope Today, January 30, 2024: Check astrological prediction | Horoscope Today

Aries, just because your planetary patterns are encouraging professional acclaim and financial rewards…Taurus, the Moon, a personal planet which represents your day-to-day affairs, teams up with Neptune and Pluto, which symbolise your life as a whole. Gemini, now that you have stunned colleagues into silence by your dramatic show of inspiration and energy…

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Few questions need to be answered

Just because your planetary patterns are encouraging professional acclaim and financial rewards, it doesn’t mean that you will see the fruits of your labours just yet. It’s possible that there are one or two personal questions to be ironed out first.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Think about your future

The Moon, a personal planet which represents your day-to-day affairs, teams up with Neptune and Pluto, which symbolise your life as a whole. It’s therefore time to think deeply about your future. Consider any option available. Even the most unlikely ideas could help open new doors.


Now that you have stunned colleagues into silence by your dramatic show of inspiration and energy, you must be magnanimous. Generosity in victory is a trait which will be much admired. On the other hand, you are entitled to give yourself a pat on the back – even if nobody else does!

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Self-belief is important

Just remember that those old planets Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are as likely to bring joy and satisfaction as problems and self-doubt. Now that the planetary alignments are so positive, please try to emphasise the former qualities at the expense of the latter: believe in yourself!

Festive offer

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Ideas will be flowing fast

Venus and Mercury are still sending sensational messages to your sign, guaranteeing that ideas will be flowing thick and fast. Allow thoughts about your long-term future to dictate much-needed decisions at work. Once partners have satisfied themselves that you know what you’re talking about, they’ll back you.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Pay attention to the truth

You must now ask yourself if it matters one jot what other people say, think or do? It is time to pay attention to the truth with a capital ‘T’, rather than to the ephemeral and essentially trivial opinions that surround you. If you’re in the opening stages of a new romance, by the way, your passion will be undimmed.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Financial proposals might be agreed upon

It seems that your main problem has been in convincing a partner or colleague that change is both overdue and necessary. There is a better than average chance that people will now agree with you, at least as far as your financial proposals are concerned.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Share your plans and proposals if assistance is offered

Teamwork is the key for the next two weeks, even if you find it hard to break out of your normally secretive state of mind. If you are to secure help and assistance, you must share your plans and proposals. You may even have to put up some cash as an initial guarantee of your good faith.


It seems unlikely that you will be able to take a back seat for a while, mainly because working affairs and partnership qualifications seem destined to take up more and more of your time. The point is surely that you have allowed your own feelings about what is and is not possible to box you in.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Lend a timely helping hand

A series of brilliant and challenging aspects indicate that close companions have the situation well under control and are able to cope without assistance. Nevertheless, at such a hopeful moment, it will do you credit to lend a timely helping hand.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Pick a bargain to prevent a problem from running out of hand

You are certainly not about to be excessively influenced by those you consider beneath you. Even so, people who are less capable or accomplished than you may have the strength to overrule you. One piece of advice for today – turn your attention to urgent cash issues. You could pick up a bargain and prevent a potential problem running out of hand.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t try to squash debate

One particularly reassuring planetary aspect is now permitting you to speak out and formulate fresh ideas. Yet you should not try to squash debate if other people put forward their own proposals. You have followed the inevitable thus far. But should you go any farther?

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