Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Horoscope Today: January 17, 2024 | Vogue India

See what the stars have in store for your sign.


The trouble is, you’re stuck in your ‘I-ness’. You’re unable to look at things from a higher perspective. So, just for today, change the vantage point, Aries. Focus on tapping into that vast spaciousness within yourself. Focus on bringing joy, compassion, and kindness into the equation. Find a way to meet people where they are. Work towards finding amicable solutions. Having your team by your side will make life a lot easier, beautiful. Life is working in your favour, Taurus. Life is always working in your favour, and right now, it is bringing into your experience opportunities for acceleration and opportunities for growth. So, hit the accelerator button, will you? Something tells us, you are ready to go places! You’re ready to share your sacred gifts and plant the seeds of change in the collective consciousness. When we have rigid ideas about how we want things to materialise in our lives, we end up hindering the manifestation process. Aquarius, could this be true in your case too? Are you secretly sabotaging your progress by fixating on the things that aren’t meant for you? Just for today, breathe, step into observer mode, and let the universe work its magic. Infuse your prayers with gratitude and with grace as you move through life with ease, joy, effortlessness. Overheard at the cosmic conference: what is yours will find its way into your experience when it’s meant to!

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