Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Horoscope Today, January 17, 2024: Check astrological prediction | Horoscope Today

Aries, today’s idealistic planetary pattern lays the world at your feet as far as all long-term personal and professional matters are concerned. Taurus, it now looks certain that, by the end of the month, the understanding, loyalty and devotion of special close partners will have made it possible for you to achieve particular, cherished goals. Leo, you now have the perfect opportunity to decide what your next move should be.

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: May face confusion and loss of direction

Today’s idealistic planetary pattern lays the world at your feet as far as all long-term personal and professional matters are concerned. The short-term risk though, especially as the weekend approaches, is of confusion and loss of direction. But that should only happen if your hopes are unrealistically high.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Pay attention to creative aspirations

It now looks certain that, by the end of the month, the understanding, loyalty and devotion of special close partners will have made it possible for you to achieve particular, cherished goals. You should also pay a little more attention to your own personal, creative aspirations before circumstances move on.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Financial matters must be taken care of

I have referred to financial matters several times recently. I’d now like to say that it is not the trivia of bank statements, pension books or investment accounts which is most important, but your long-term attitudes to money and the extent to which you use financial success as a marker to judge both yourself and others.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Take control of your own destiny

Planetary perfection continues for some time. However, marvellous as today’s stars are, they are most helpful to those of you who are taking control of your own destinies: the more enthusiastic you are, the better you’ll do. Those who are waiting for something to turn up will probably miss out.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Perfect opportunity to decide your next move

You now have the perfect opportunity to decide what your next move should be. The best way forward now is a very subtle combination of practical experimentation and quiet meditation. Reject no options and leave no stone unturned in your quest for the truth. 

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t be too down on yourself

In spite of a number of conflicts or arguments, you must know where your happiness lies in the end. The best option now is to go for long-term contentment rather than immediate gratification. Also, you might be a little too self-critical at the moment; don’t be too down on yourself.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t let routine demands blow you off course

Stick to the rules and conventional methods by all means, but follow the spirit of the law rather than the letter. Make extra efforts to implement your vision of the ideal home life, and don’t let routine demands and random pressures blow you off course. 

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Don’t say anything you’ll regret

Much of what you now find irritating or frustrating will be removed by the Moon as it moves through your chart like a psychic vacuum cleaner. If you must speak your mind, don’t say anything you’ll regret. After all, a word spoken in haste now could cost you a great deal of wasted effort over the coming weeks.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You will find out how much you gain from current developments

Of all the signs of the Zodiac, yours is the most ideally suited to the current enthusiastic planetary alignment. Over the next few days, you are due to find out just how much you have to gain from current developments in all areas of your life, even from apparent trifles.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Move beyond routine obligations

Sound the trumpets and hang out the flags! The current magnificent celestial alignment is perfect for all of you who have moved beyond purely routine obligations into a world where you are getting to grips with your utterly unique personal destinies. 

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: May face awkward decisions at home

The Sun, placed in a sympathetic region of your chart, offers one set of favourable influences, yet the Moon is subtly suggesting that you should face up to awkward decisions or developments at home. And it’s also encouraging you to give pleasure its proper place.


Now that Jupiter, your ruling planet, is refining its position, changes in your environment and your personal life this month will be seen to be entirely beneficial. The truth of this may not be clear for another four months, though, so I fear you may have to be patient.

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