Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Horoscope Today, December 5, 2023: Check astrological prediction for Gemini, Cancer and other signs | Horoscope Today


Aries, it’s rush hour as far as the planets are concerned, but the lights are on amber. Taurus, there is still a measure of uncertainty, and confusing developments keep occurring, but there is a positive side to the unfolding drama. Gemini, some planets are urging you to move forward.

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Rush hour as far as planets are concerned

It’s rush hour as far as the planets are concerned, but the lights are on amber. Whether you choose to go ahead is therefore very much up to you and your own understanding of your unique individual situation. What concerns you, as much as anything, are hidden resentments, especially other people’s!

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Increasing stability emerging

There is still a measure of uncertainty, and confusing developments keep occurring, but there is a positive side to the unfolding drama. Hopefully you’re now at the stage at which you can see increasing stability and security emerging from the fog. 

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Planets urging you to move forward

Some planets are urging you to move forward. Others are persuading you to stay still. Changes may seem as if they’re coming out of the blue, but this is not how astrology works. In fact, everything that happens now relates to developments which took place a month or even a year ago.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Keep your eye on the ball

Your inner tension may be a little more than is healthy. Yet I imagine that, if you try to relax now, you may allow an opportunity to slip through your fingers. That is why you should keep your eye on the ball and check up on every single detail.

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LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Question your priorities

You are not normally one to doubt your own confidence. Yet I’d like to see you questioning your own priorities, partly because there are fresh discoveries to be made. It’s all a question of seeing the world anew, realising how much you have taken for granted.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Earnings to increase

What you need now is enough money to get you out of a fix. Frankly, it seems to me that it’s about time you enjoyed a spot of luxury, and if your earnings are to increase, it must be soon. Never forget though, that, if you set out to persuade someone that you’re in the right, you will almost certainly be successful.

LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Something to celebrate over the next few days

It may not be time for congratulations just yet, but it soon will be. You’ll have something to celebrate over the next few days. Turn your back on the past and resolve to make a completely fresh start. But – and this is a very big ‘but’ – you must keep a very close watch on all practical developments.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Life can be strange

Today may not be easy, but there’s little you can’t handle with your usual skill. You may react to even surprise developments with a sense of deja vu, as if you had known all along what would happen. Life at the moment can be so strange! That’s partly because failure turns into success.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: A little optimism will take you far

Only a very negative frame of mind will prevent you from ending the week better off materially and spiritually than when it began. On the other hand, a little optimism will carry you to the stars. There could be a spot of social friction, but only if you fail to keep your commitments.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: Universe to return to a state of balance

A victory in one area of life has probably increased the likelihood of delay in another. It’s an astrological law, you see, that the universe always returns to a state of balance. Yet right now you might be wondering just when that’s going to happen!

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Someone special is reaching out

Someone special is reaching out to you now. They may come from a different world, one you don’t know about, but this doesn’t mean that the connection won’t become valuable and permanent. Neither does it mean that you won’t soon be able to benefit from the contact.

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Your expertise will be highly prized

You may have squandered a great deal of time on one particular project. Or have you? Wait a while and you’ll see how nothing is wasted and that sooner or later your experience and expertise will be highly prized. You’ve reached a turning- point and I’m sure you’ll handle partners with your usual subtlety.


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