Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Horoscope Today, December 22, 2023: Check astrological prediction for Capricorn, Virgo and other signs | Horoscope Today


Aries, there is no reason to allow partners to set themselves up in opposition to your ideas. Taurus, the position at work, as in your other public duties, is intense, but pleasant. Gemini, tt’s because the Moon is now in such an optimistic position that you have to believe that all the changes taking place now are for the better.

ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: Pick up a new skill

There is no reason to allow partners to set themselves up in opposition to your ideas. You may seize the initiative and give loved ones a vested interest in your plans. At work it may be time to pick up a new skill, especially if you want be in the best position when fresh offers come your way.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Position at work is intense

The position at work, as in your other public duties, is intense, but pleasant. The emphasis must be on your relationships with colleagues, even though it does seem inevitable that you will have to wait a little longer until you can take the next step along a very positive path.

GEMINI HOROSCOPE TDOAY: Prioritise your plans

It’s because the Moon is now in such an optimistic position that you have to believe that all the changes taking place now are for the better. At the same time, you have to accept that not all your ambitions can be put into practice. In fact, it might be best if you prioritise your plans.

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: May indulge in your restless nature

This is a time of year when you may indulge your restless nature, especially at work. You may slip out of the limitations which have held you back at home, even those which seemed to be an unavoidable consequence of family life or work. Perhaps nothing is really inevitable.

Festive offer

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Patience will be rewarded

It’s time to take the initiative. You have been patient, and have been promised that your time will come. Now that the Moon is aligned with your fifth solar house, breathing life into creative regions of your chart, you may stop waiting and set out to make your dreams come true.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Flexible approach at home

You may react to any difficulties at home by adopting a more flexible and varied approach. You should encourage relations and people you live with, rather than standing in their way, follow up avenues you’d normally ignore, and link up with new people where necessary.


You don’t have to push yourself so hard, so why not take it easy today? Certain of your stars are unlikely to be so relaxed again, at least not for a very long time, so make a strenuous effort to shift all onerous responsibilities to one side, and enjoy yourself!

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Keep your head down

You are in a mood to keep your head down and avoid trouble. The positive way to use your planetary energies is to look into just what it is that makes friends and partners tick. The truth may be staring you in the face, mind you. But perhaps you’re too close to see it!

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Might be a little emotional than usual

You still seem to be a little more emotional than usual, and therefore liable to take offence, but a generally favourable planetary picture should enable you to accept life as you find it, getting what you want without putting yourself in anyone’s debt. 

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: A day for charitable ventures

It’s definitely a day for charitable ventures, and you may be asked to help a friend in need. Don’t worry about being exploited though. It’s just that if you put others’ interests first now, yours will take top priority later. That seems like a suitable compromise.

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: Pay attention to details

If you are typical of your sign, then you may have become accustomed to getting the better of business rivals. But right now, you will have to take a very different tack, and pay very careful attention to the small print in all agreements, personal ones included.


It’s an ambitious moment, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in wishing to come first. But with co-operative influences also strong, you’ll be wiser to make strenuous efforts to understand just why other people have acted as they have, rather than criticise them.



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