Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

February 2024 Monthly Horoscopes | Chatelaine

The astrological weather in February continues the increase in intensity from the last half of January.

A grid of illustrations showing the different symbols for the zodiac signs(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)

The astrological weather in February continues the increase in intensity from the last half of January. It may see you navigating overdue changes in your life, or pressure to face what you’ve been avoiding or putting off. Do your best to be honest and truthful about it all. The upside? It will lead to more authenticity, and as always, being innovative and imaginative throughout is key. Dates to remember are:

  • February 4: Mercury enters Aquarius
  • February 9: New Moon at 20° Aquarius
  • February 12: Mars enters Aquarius
  • February 16: Venus enters Aquarius
  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces
  • February 22: Mercury enters Pisces
  • February 24: Full Moon at 5° Virgo

I highly recommend that you primarily read the horoscopes for your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can read for your sun sign (born during the day) and/or moon sign (born at night). Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To determine these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app or online. For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit

An illustration of two swans sitting in two large vases that have the Aquarius symbol on them. The swans have water falling out of their beaks.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

You’re embodying a ferocious intensity as the month unfolds, dear Aquarius. Much of this started a couple of weeks back and February is all about strategizing and mobilizing your way through the pressure that’s been building within you. No matter the context, spend this time prioritizing and focusing on your holistic wellness. Nourish your mind, body and spirit to help navigate the big changes ahead. You’ve got this. 

An illustration of two goldfish swimming around in a circle. the goldfish are wearing small party hats with pink and blue squiggly stripes and a gold star at the tip. In between the fish is the symbol for Pisces.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

The urge to hunker down and hermit your way through February is acute. If your situation allows, make space so you can do just that. However, if your life does not allow for much alone time, use creativity so you can get the reset that comes with solitude—even when you’re surrounded by people or when you have to show up and do your work. Practices like breathwork and meditation can be especially helpful right now so you don’t overburden your nervous system. 

An illustration of a pink ram head wearing sunglasses. The symbol for Aries is shown on a star beneath the ram's head above two crossed swordsIllustration: Sacha Stephan

Many of your life’s principles, values and beliefs could be under major reconstruction—and it’s creating a domino effect on your relationships. Who you want to be connected to and affiliated with is ever-changing. Some of the rifts between your communities and friendships can be painful, but most of them are an opportunity to grow and evolve together. Not to mention the excitement of embarking on new adventures with new and old friends. 

An illustration of a bull wearing blue cowboy boots on all four feet. It's alsoo wearing a yellow cowboy hat that has the symbol for Taurus on it.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

What you thought you knew and wanted for your life is going through a reassessment. When you think of your overall life direction, your life path and your contribution to your corner of the world, how do you want to be remembered? And how do you want to be known right now—even if you’re someone who prefers to be unknown and not very public in your work? Ask yourself, who do you want to be when you “grow up?” It’s never too late to redefine who you are.

An illustration of a pair of cherries connected at the stem. One cherry has a smiley face and the other has a sad face. On the tip of the stem, there's a pair of leaves and a small gemini symbolIllustration: Sacha Stephan

What, where and whom you access for guidance and wisdom will be transforming and deepening. It’s all part of questioning the beliefs that shape how you show up and understand the world. Expect growing pains as you awaken to fresh frameworks and perspectives outside, but it’s ultimately a good thing. It shows your capacity to expand and evolve as a human being.

An illustration of a hermit crab with a pink shell. The hermit crab has a tear falling from their eye and is holding a flower who also has a frowny face on it. The cancer symbol is shown in circles above and below the crab.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

Now’s the time to withdraw to evaluate what elements of your life are no longer fruitful and affirmative. How you accept the losses you experience and the wisdom you gain thereafter are good skills to nurture and deepen. Change is the only constant, and the more you build your strength but also tend to your vulnerabilities, the more your resilience of spirit will serve you for whatever challenges come your way. 

An illustration of a cat wearing a red bow around its neck and looking into a hand mirror with sparkles in their eyes. At the top of the mirror is a small Leo symbolIllustration: Sacha Stephan

The people you have significant commitments to and important relationships with are going through it. As a result, you’re also going through it with them. As a result, your dynamics with your most invaluable connections are shifting and transforming. This is an excellent time to investigate any festering stagnation that requires action. At least brainstorm and communicate on the next steps so that together, you can both help with their situation—and improve the quality of your relationships moving forward.

An illustration of a burning heart being stabbed by six swords. in the middle of the heart is the Virgo symbolIllustration: Sacha Stephan

Do you feel appreciated and recognized enough for your effort and labour in your work, your home and your relationships? If any of these are feeling particularly thankless, recentre yourself to understand why you consistently show up the way you do, despite the lack of gratitude. Who are you expecting validation from and why? Is your insistence on a reliable work ethic to your detriment? Time to reassess your priorities, dear Virgo.

An illustration of balance scales. each bowl has the symbol for Libra on it.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

How much enjoyment and pleasure have you forsaken because of your internalized shame and fear of rejection? February is the month to unpack how avoidance is preventing you from experiencing the fullness of joy and love (of all kinds!) in your life. This is no judgment, but a gentle reminder to be kind to yourself as you explore some core wounds that could be making it challenging for you to let loose and have fun.

An illustration of a pink scorpion wearing sunglasses and holding a heart-shaped lollipop. The Scorpio symbol is on it's front arm like a tattoo. it's other arm and legs have symbol tattoos as well like a star, moon, flower and snake.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

It’s interesting when the way you remember things, as time goes on, changes as you alter the way you relate to your memories. It’s quite powerful when you imagine yourself having some of the best times of your life in the past, only to look back, let’s say on your teen journal, to read how horrible that certain year was in your childhood actually was (and vice versa). How can you reframe your current experiences, especially if you’re struggling, when you can imagine how your future self will remember this moment differently?

An illustration of a bow and arrow with a flaming tip. the arrowhead has the Sagittarius symbol on it.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

Your bigger life is composed of your little lives. Much of what you remember as your grandest experiences are at best, quite fleeting. What’s actually essential for you to attain that elusive sense of contentment is to ground yourself in the repetitive pulse of your daily routine. How you live your day-to-day composes the overarching narrative of your satisfaction with your life overall. It’s always an ongoing journey as opposed to one final point. Believing in the latter is a trap.

An illustration of a goat with a green mermaid tail. The goat is sticking out its tongue and wearing a medallion around its neck. the medallino has the Capricorn symbol on it.Illustration: Sacha Stephan

Your sense of stability will be your main focus this month ahead. Whether it’s about your material resources or your energetic capacity to sustain your livelihood, they’re all connected and very important. Life requires your tangible presence so it can support you back. While there are many layers to this, including societal systems which you have no direct control over, prioritize the areas of your life you can manage. What do you need so you are resourced enough?


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