Tarot cards

Each Zodiac Sign’s Tarot Horoscope On February 29, 2024

Sometimes, we can’t help but be curious about what the day will bring. Call it impatience or a desire to partner with the universe through synchronicities, signs and symbols. This is why tarot cards are perceived to be a helpful tool when we need help deciphering the day’s events. Find out what your tarot card is by using your zodiac sign. Here’s your reading for February 29, 2024, Leap Year day.

What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday, February 29, 2024:



In this life, we will encounter enemies or those who speak words of hate for one reason or another. With this in mind, you may want to consider embarking or continuing on a journey of building a secure self of self, so that when others speak, you are less shaken by it; your identity isn’t in question each time; a knowing of who you are. So, when words of criticism come, and they often will when living out your calling, you may consider what they say or take away their only power: your attention. It is okay to be misunderstood; not everyone will understand you or see your purpose, impact, and motives. Find peace in releasing and trusting that you know yourself.

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Taurus, an easy way to see the person you are becoming is by looking around at those closest to you; as the saying goes, you are the sum of your five closest friends. This can be your greatest superpower or worst downfall, as being wise in this department is crucial. You may want to sit down and assess those you surround yourself with, how you feel after your time together, and how they may be tipping you; is it ultimately what you want? If not, you may decide to distance yourself over time.

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