Tarot cards

Each Individual Zodiac Sign’s Tarot Horoscope For The Week Of September 25 – October 1, 2023


We take the knowledge from this ancient form of cartomancy and apply it to our knowledge of astrology. This week has us looking at things from the bright side. Nobody here is sinking into the darkness, feeling sorry for themselves or over-worrying themselves into a state of self-pity. We are all relatively strong this week, and as it looks, the Tarot shows that September 25 – October 1, 2023, will play out rather well for all of us.

What’s nice about this week is that it seems as though whatever troubles may be hovering around us, there doesn’t seem to be much stress. We all get the point: life can be hard, but it doesn’t mean we must drop to level one to experience it.

This week, we have an Aries Full Moon which has us doing what is necessary to keep things afloat, and although we will have to step up and do the right thing, the ‘right thing’ will not be a big theatrical act of drama. We just … do what we must do, and all of that is as it should be.

Our Themes are what we need to concentrate on. These words break the week down for each zodiac sign and should be paid attention to. The Tarot gives us a card and we interpret it. However, the gist of the meaning is in the Themes that follow each reading. Let these words permeate your mind and let them uplift each one of us. Here is the Tarot reading for all signs from September 25 to October 1, 2023.

Weekly tarot horoscope for each individual zodiac sign in astrology:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Card: Two of Pentacles

It’s a balancing act regarding how you spend and save your hard-earned money this week, Aries, as you’ll be tempted to go a little too far regarding a loved one and their needs. You are a generous person, so there’s no problem spending money. However, it ultimately goes against your desire to save for a rainy day. Themes for this week: balance, proportion, love


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